A Boy’s Army Hero: Remembering His Father

November 11, 2008


Sgt. Joe Louis Thames died July 2, 2007, from complications from chemical exposure during the Vietnam war. He died a hero in America’s eyes, and he died a hero in the eyes of his son.

Ladarius Thames held a  triangle folded flag close to his heart during a Veterans Day ceremony at Bratt Elementary School. It was the flag that covered his father’s casket. The flag was given to his family after the military honors funeral for his father.

“I am the son of Sgt. Joe Louis Thames,” Ladarius told the crowd at Bratt’s Veterans Day program. “He fought in the Vietnam War, and he was a very brave soldier.”

Sgt. Thames joined the United State Army in 1968. He served two years in Vietnam, and was awarded the Bronze Star, the Air Medal and a Purple Heart.

“His citation for the Bronze star stated ‘Specialist 5 Joe L Thames gave outstanding service against a hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam. He used good judgement and extensive knowledge. He showed loyalty, diligence and devotion to the United States Army’,” Ladarius read.

“I am going to join the Army and follow in my father’s footsteps,” Ladarius said. “I want to serve our country. I want to make the world safe for my wife and kids. I want to be like my father. He was a hero.”

Ladarius held the flag close to his heart as the Bratt students sang The Star Spangled Banner, a song that was undoubtedly close to his father’s heart.

“At his funeral, my family received this American flag,” Ladarius said. “It was a very special tribute to a very special man.”

Pictured above and below: Bratt fifth grader Ladarius Thames holds the American flag that covered the casket of his father, Army Sgt. Joe Louis Thames. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.



3 Responses to “A Boy’s Army Hero: Remembering His Father”

  1. SGT Thames, Shea on November 24th, 2008 4:01 pm

    I’m happy to have known of SGT Joe Louis Thames. I’m sure you make your father very proud Ladarius.

  2. Al on November 13th, 2008 1:48 pm

    What an amazing tribute to a father! Good job Ladarius, your dad is soo proud right now!

  3. Fails on November 12th, 2008 9:31 am

    MY heart goes out to the Thames, Mrs. Diane has really been strong threw all this. Joe was a Hero to alot people and He would be so proud of his son.