School Board Candidates Address Alabama Kids In Florida Schools, Issues

October 6, 2008


Both candidates for Escambia County School Board District 5 don’t believe that Florida taxpayers should continue to foot the bill for Alabama students attending school in North Escambia.

“Is it right? No,” said candidate Tom Harrell at a recent meeting in Walnut Hill. “No, because the tax base in Florida is supporting them.”

The Escambia (Alabama) School Board recently voted to revoke a long-standing agreement with their Florida counterparts allowing 100 students per year to cross the line and attend a Florida school. The Escambia County (Florida) School Board is expected to agree at their next meeting on October 21 to terminate the agreement.

“When that happens, are they (Alabama students) going to stop coming?” District 5 candidate Bill Slayton said. “They are not going to stop coming. They are going to try everything to find a way to continue in our schools.”

Slayton said that there is a potential negative effect associated with sending 100 Alabama students back across the state line, taking them out of Florida schools.

He said each child sent back represents about $4,000 in funding to the school that they are attending.

“What will that do to your schools at $4,000 each when you  take 100 out and send them back?” Slayton asked.

“That’s teacher’s jobs,” Harrell added.

Slayton said the lengths that some people will, or might, go to in order to attend schools in North Escambia is a tribute to the quality of education provide by North Escambia schools.

To read the story about the revocation  of the Alabama-Florida school agreement, click here.

Other important issues the two candidates discussed were the future of North Escambia’s middle schools and school start times.

“I don’t think we need to close Carver/Century. We don’t have a plan,” Harrell said.  “We are going to close a school in the north end to save money, but the savings are not going to be what they (the current school board) have on paper. We are going to spend a lot of that on gas.”

“Let’s do a five year plan and see what the north end needs,” Harrell said. “Ernest Ward needs to be expanded or new school built here.”

“I guarantee you that I am not going to forget about you in the north end,” Slayton said. “You have paid taxes in this county…I want to be sure you are getting what you deserve on a dollar for dollar basis.”

Both men said changes in the start and dismissal times in most of the county need to revisited. Those changes did not impact North Escambia schools this year, but in the southern third of the county, they have middle school students arriving home after dark in the winter.

“The question they never asked before doing this was ‘would you want this for your child’,” Slayton said.

“One of the first things I would do in office is propose that they return start times to where they were last year,” Harrell said.

Harrell and Slayton will face each other on the November 4 ballot in the non-partisan District5 Escambia County School Board race.

Pictured above: Bill Slayton (left) and Tom Harrell are the two candidates for District 5 Escambia County School Board. photos/graphic.


18 Responses to “School Board Candidates Address Alabama Kids In Florida Schools, Issues”

  1. Thanks Fl Parent!! on October 11th, 2008 1:57 pm

    Florida Parent…what a great comment!!! So, many of us feel the same way….I think you said it all..and with good solutions. THANK YOU FOR EXPRESSING YOURSELF IN SUCH A POSITIVE, BUT VERY TRUE WAY!!!!

  2. DONE DEAL on October 9th, 2008 8:01 pm

    I am well aware of the 100 children that are over here legally, so no not everyone has lied….just ALL the others. And children playing in parks, or swimming pools, or visiting a Public Library…..IS NOT ILLEGAL!!!!! Besides…does any of this really matter now anyway? No…the School Boards are taking care of this problem, and have made the RIGHT CHOICE. So I am done and very satisfied.
    Good Luck to ALL!

  3. Florida Parent on October 9th, 2008 5:45 pm

    I am hopeful that both candidates running for Escambia County Fl District 5 have been following these comments and the ones from “No More Alabama Kids in Florida Schools”. I applaud them for supporting a decision, which is in the best interest of local Florida schools. As they move forward, I hope they will consider the following:
    #1 INSTALL PROCEDURES, WITHIN FLORIDA SCHOOLS, TO BLOCK THIS “BORDER CROSSING” FROM REOCCURING. As has been demonstrated through numerous comments (on this post and the “No More Alabama Kids in Florida Schools” post), many Alabama parents will seek any form of deception to attend Florida schools. Some have commented that this has been happening for 20+ years. What started out as a handful of “illegal” Alabama students is now grown to an abusive quantity. I am appalled at the number of Alabama parents whom suggest their children are “entitled” to attend Florida schools. If this situation is not closely monitored, it will surface again.
    #2 PLACE MONETARY FINES UPON OUT-OF-STATE PARENTS FOUND ILLEGALLY “BOOTLEGGING” THEIR CHILDREN TO FLORIDA SCHOOLS (AND ALSO TO THOSE THAT ARE AN ACCOMPLICE TO THESE ACTIONS). As witnessed a few posts earlier, some Florida residents will volunteer to willfully assist Alabama parents with their lying. If our school system only “slaps the wrists” of parents acting unlawfully, this problem will continue to reoccur. Give Alabama (and Florida) parents some motivation against abusing our school system. Give them a fine $$$$$.
    #3 DO NOT BE PERSUADED BY THOSE COMMENTING THAT “WE WILL PAY THE SAME AMOUNT OF TAXES IRREGARDLESS OF OUT-OF-STATE STUDENTS ATTENDING OUR SCHOOLS”. The taxpayers in Southern Escambia County would also be livid if they grasped how abusive this situation has become. The parents in Century have a legitimate complaint with the threat of Carver being closed resulting in busing their children to Bratt or Ernest Ward. An injustice would have been done if Carver closed while tax dollars were spent on Alabama kids at Bratt, Ernest Ward and Northview. The expense associated with additional students is not “free”.
    #4 DO NOT BE INFLUENCED BY ALABAMA PARENTS OFFERING EXCUSES FOR THEIR LYING (I.E. POOR ATMORE SCHOOLS). Stay focused on the best interest for local Florida schools. As mentioned from an earlier post, many of those parents made a conscious decision to lie surely recognizing that one day there may be consequences. It is their responsibility to deal with the consequences, which they have created. If the parents of students now returning to Alabama schools focused their attention towards improving “their” schools, the results would be phenomenal. The most successful schools are those with the most parental involvement.
    #5 BE PROACTIVE; CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE TO CONDUCT AN INVESTIGATION. The Department of Justice may become involved if there is evidence of a racially motivated situation. The Atmore area schools are predominantly black. Bratt, Ernest Ward and Northview schools are predominantly white. The communities surrounding Bratt, Ernest Ward and Northview are predominantly white. Most Alabama parents claim their reason for fleeing was to seek better education. However, as they’ve turned their backs on Atmore schools, the remaining minority students were left behind as funding of education spiraled downward. Since those local communities surrounding the mentioned Florida schools are predominantly white, the remaining minority parents would have a difficult time finding an accomplice to assist with their lying (if they chose to flee to Florida). The intent may not have been racially motivated. However, this resulted in a disadvantage towards minorities. I would be surprised if minority legal counsel (i.e. NAACP) has not already been contacted. It’s best to be proactive rather than reactive.

  4. concerned teacher on October 9th, 2008 3:42 pm

    I can’t believe how crazy people are acting over nothing. Students from Alabama only help our schools because we get extra funds and teachers because of them. The less students you have the less money and teacher units you get. They (Al. students) actually help keep programs alive. If anyone would research it, PJC and UWF actually have an attendance zone for Alabama students so they don’t have to pay out of state fees. The same is true for JDCC in Brewton and Atmore.
    I was at Walmart in Pensacola the other day and saw many Alabama tags in the parking lot. I thought to myself that if some of the northend parents saw them they would want them to go home. They would want them to take their sales tax dollars with them too. It is amazing how people will take their students and children to Atmore and bag groceries and take money for their groups from Alabama people but complain about children crossing the line. I know one band parent that does this.
    I have never seen an Alabama student take anything away from one of our students. If you want something bad enough you get it, whether it be grades or a position on a team, where you are from has nothing to do with it. This whole thing is about some parents who would not be happy if they owned the world, it would not be big enough for them.
    Also, if any student wants a good education let them get it whether it be in Alabama, Florida or private school. After all isn’t this what we are all here far?
    But if all you unhappy parents don’t get what you want, I know a great fence builder and we could build a fence at the border to keep them out of our state.
    In ending I would like to thank all of the support that we get from the Atmore people and businesses. We don’t have a town to support us, so we have to count on you to help. Also thanks to the Town of Century for your support.

  5. Observer on October 9th, 2008 11:44 am

    “whatever!!!”, you should get some facts straight. Not all the Alabama kids’ parents are “lying” to get them into school. There has been an application process through the Escambia Florida school system that does indeed provide exemptions. I personally know of 3-4 kids whose parents followed this route, and were approved by the Escambia Florida school system to attend the North Florida schools. Don’t believe me? Call YOUR school system office and ask them.

    I also know that the public library in Atmore has a storytime for small children every Thursday morning, and at least half of the 40+ children who attend weekly are from Davisville, Bratt, etc. Should these children not be allowed to attend because their parents do not pay taxes to support the Atmore public library? Should Florida kids not be allowed to use the library in Atmore for book reports, etc? Should Florida kids not be allowed to play summer t-ball, baseball, etc in Atmore…or use the public swimming pools…or play in the city parks?

    Lastly…How many kids from the Bratt, Century, Walnut Hill, etc areas attend The University of Alabama or Auburn University? Of those, how many pay out of state tuition? I know several who use an Alabama address to avoid costly out of state tuition and fees. Is that right?

  6. whatever!!!! on October 9th, 2008 12:09 am

    The bottom line is….these parents have lied!!!! And had they done the right thing by LIVING IN THE DISTRICT that they wanted their children to attend school, we wouldn’t be dealing with this now. If my family had to relocate, my first concern would be………THE SCHOOLS… I would never buy a house and think..oh well, it doesn’t matter about the district, I’ll just send my kids to whatever school I want to.
    That’s not right!!
    And all of those AL parents….should make sure their children are aware of “WHY” all of this is going on….because they chose to lie. I understand wanting whats best for your children, so do the right thing. I realize times are hard…but if you want your children to go to our schools…move over here.
    Year after year most of you have been doing this…did it ever cross your mind while you were lying about your address..that maybe one day you would get caught? Sure it did!!! Was you thinking of your childs best interest then? Yeah!!
    I made sure I was in this district, before my children started school I have realitives and friends in FL. I could have lied too….but, was it worth the risk ? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!

    I’m not trying to be rude… but, all of you AL parents that are so upset…you’ve done it to yourselves.
    And HOPEFULLY you won’t be able to “USE” false addresses anymore…that’s why this is happening.

  7. tammie on October 7th, 2008 11:06 pm

    I don’t blame the parents that are sending their kids to Florida schools. It sounds like some people in the Alabama school system are the ones that got all this mess started like a bunch of tattle tales! I wonder if the “concerned parent” realizes that she is going to pay taxes whether she has children in school or not. And if you do have kids in school they are not benefitting any less just because there are AL kids attending. Who cares… isn’t it supposed to be about the children? Sounds like a bunch of nit picky adults to me! I live in Florida… I don’t care how many Alabama kids come to the schools… matter of fact… mine was one of them for a short time. And, if my child took any body’s position in sports, maybe it’s because he was better at that position than the other kid. If your child wants a certain position then maybe he should step it up and play to his best ability when trying out for that position…. how petty is that? Also, to the “concerned parent”…. Does your child have friends in his/her school? Does your child like the school’s environment? How would you like it if some “concerned parent” said ‘take ‘em out of this school today… stop what they are doing and make ‘em leave!?’ It sounds to me like you are one of those people whose only concern is ME, MY, MINE. GROW UP! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED! And if anyone would like to use my address… I will gladly let you.

  8. Fed Up on October 7th, 2008 12:33 pm

    I sincerely hope that the children of the parents that are posting some of the comments on this issue grow up to demonstrate higher levels of integrity and education than their parents who are posting such ridiculous and silly arguments.
    Let’s face it, 1) There are no shortage of scholarships if your child deserves one he can get one 2) If you send your child to Northview, EWMS, or Bratt for sports, you need your priorities checked. From what I have seen, the sports program needs some serious administrative adjustments to make it a sought after sports mecca 3) Kids do not get cut from sports programs on what state they live in they get cut on ability 4) The state line does not divide our community, it runs through it 5) Alabama kids have come to our schools for years. I graduated in 1985 and they done it then. Nobody complained. 6) The amount of taxes you pay will not change whether the AL kids come to FL schools or FL kids go to AL schools. 7) This could go on, and on, and on.
    I would bet that the people who are complaining about this issue are the same people who complain about almost everything else that happens at the schools. These people are thorns in the principals side, their little Suzy or Johnny does nothing wrong (its always the teachers fault or the kid sitting next to them), and those who are always part of the problem instead of part of the solution.
    Find something else to focus your time and effort on and get away from this subject. If you don’t have a job that requires some level of responsibility then work on something that will make a difference; like world hunger, global warming, or something else that will get you out of our community. It’s showing the whole world (are at least everyone who reads this website) just how immature some people in the northend of the county are.

  9. Century Parent on October 7th, 2008 9:47 am


  10. Carl on October 7th, 2008 7:32 am

    I also believe some kind of tuition needs to be set up. Just keep in mind that funding is tied to enrollment. Less students means less teachers, less support staff, less money, less everything. Face it with the economy in the shape it’s in people are not moving to the North End. Just look at the “for sale” signs. If you take the Alabama kids out I believe we will be the losers in the long run. Just my 2 cents worth.

  11. Amity on October 6th, 2008 7:32 pm

    The debate over sports is not trivial. By playing students from out of state, I believe Northview is violating regulations issued by the Florida High Schoool Athletic Association. Therefore, Northview coaches risk having to forfiet all of their games if another school challanges this practice.

  12. EA Parent on October 6th, 2008 4:59 pm

    To the last writer, why in the world would you think EA would have any influence over the school boards of two different states, much less make them rescind a policy that has been in place for 10 years? Come on, get off EA’s back and deal with “your” problem.

  13. A thought on October 6th, 2008 3:46 pm

    Well this seems to me to be a done deal and the big winner appears to me to be Escambia Academy. As I am sure was their intent. We Alabama residents are not going to place our kids into the Atmore system. Those that can make the budget cuts for EA will and those that can not will find a way to get to Flomaton or Brewton.

    This seems like a losing situation for all sides. Florida is losing the kids whose parents actually care about their success. Kids who do study and strive in their pursuit for an education. Tell me how losing them from your childs peer group helps your child? Our children our most assuredly having a POSITIVE impact on your schools.

    This argument about Johnny getting on the sports teams is really absurd. With the current state of the athletic department at Northview and it’s current use of many underclassmen it is hard for me to believe that anyone with talent is not getting a fair shot. It is not exactly a hotbed for athletic scholarships. That being said… GO Chiefs!

    The argument about taxes is also laughable. Not to be a braggart but I am sure that I pay more state and federal taxes than most of the readers. My tax dollars support many things that do not directly affect me or my family. Unfortunately that is the nature of the beast. What needs to be thought of here is our little community regardless of what side of the line that you live on. These are our children in which we place all of our hopes for the future of our area. If we can group them together for mutual benefit then we indeed should.

    Lastly… Our children will be fine. They will take their high FCAT and ACT scores with them and make new friends. It is just a shame that it had to be this way.

  14. concered on October 6th, 2008 3:15 pm

    It’s just not about the sports it is also about scholarships that our kids could have. If you want your kids to go to Florida schools move to Florida & pay the taxes or stay in Alabama & send your kids there!!! Because it is not fair to the people who pay Florida taxes.

  15. Patty Davis on October 6th, 2008 3:13 pm

    I am 55 years old and I attended Bratt School and graduated from Ernest Ward in 1971. I lived in Alabama. I was living in Florida in Grammer School,. I attended in the second grade and half the third. We moved away and I returned in the 6th Grade, and lived with my grandmother in ALABAMA. I had remained friends with someone I met in the second grade and when I returned I wanted to return to the only school and friend I knew, we graduated friends. I was too young to understand, except she was my friend and I wanted to go to school with her.

    At that time soon to be 40 years ago, my parents paid as out of state tuition fee. It was noted that I lived in Alabama, but due to the out of state fee, as most college students pay today, I attended .

    What is wrong with a tuition fee for the schools, just like the colleges. Just because you live in Alabama and you want to attend PJC or West Florida, they don’t scream about it. They say come on and pay and you can attend.

    For over 40 years this has been going on. Grow up and come up with a solution that Alabama and Florida people can live with. How would you Florida people, feel if the people in Atmore, did not support your schools with ad, donations, medical attention. We live together, we should come to an agreement..

  16. sk on October 6th, 2008 2:07 pm

    I’m so sick of hearing about the “Alabama kids taking spots on the sports teams” Have you parents stoped for one minute and thought?……..THIS ISN’T ABOUT SPORTS! Have you thought about what you are saying? If Alabama kids are taking all the spots on the sports teams, your just letting everyone know that ALABAMA kids are better athletes. Right? If your child is interested in sports he/she will try out (with the AL Kids). If he/she is good enough he/she will make the team, regardless of the AL kids trying out. Going into tryouts a FL kids has just as good of a chance as the AL kids. This isn’t about how many AL kids are on these teams, don’t you care about your childs education? Yes, I live in AL and my 2 kids are still in elementary school and yes they go to a FL school which is not included in the county. It’s a charter school!

  17. Valarie on October 6th, 2008 1:23 pm

    I think this is a great idea with maybe the exception of having Alabama residents have to pay some type of “taxes” or “tuition” if they would like to continue sending their kids.

  18. concerned parent on October 6th, 2008 12:44 pm

    It will not make a diffence to the parents of kids in Alabama they will find a way to send their kids to our schools. The schools that our taxes pay for. The one change that should be made is that the kids should be sent back to Alabama the day the ruling is made by Alabama and Florida. They should not be allowed to finish that day in our schools. They should diffently not be allowed to finish the year or the years that they have left at that school. They need to be sent back across the state line. These kids are taking spots on sport teams that our kids could be interested in. Why do we pay property taxes if our kids are not going to benfit from them.