Sarah Palin Brings Republican Message To Escambia County

October 8, 2008


Vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin brought the Republicans’ campaign to Escambia County Tuesday afternoon.

Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin entered the Pensacola Civic Center Tuesday afternoon to chants of “Sarah! Sarah!” after being introduced by surprise guest  Florida Governor Charlie Crist.

“I bring greetings from the next president of the United States, John McCain,” Palin said after thanking the Pensacola crowd for her rock star-like welcome. “The people of Florida are ready to shake things up in Washington.”

“Now I know why Pensacola is the place they say is where thousands live the way that millions wish that they could live,” the Alaska governor said, noting that she had just received a text message from her daughter Willow back in Alaska showing three inches of snow on the ground Tuesday afternoon outside her classroom.

Even with the vast differences between Alaska and Florida, Palin said the two states have a lot in common, both being home to proud Americans. But while Alaska may be easy for the McCain-Palin ticket, she acknowledged that Florida will be battleground against the Democrats.

She drew a huge round of applause and laughter as she joked about Saturday Night Live and impressionist Tina Fey. She quipped that some of her answers at last week’s vice presidential debate “maybe they weren’t real clear”, but “I was just giving Tina Fey some more material. Job security for SNL.”

In hard times, Palin said McCain offers solutions for the future, and he will solve the nation’s financial crisis as president.

Those reforms will include tax breaks for the middle class, help for business owners to create jobs, control food and gas prices, help students pay for college and help families pay for their homes, she said.

She said McCain will impose a spending freeze on all but the most vital government services, reviewing every department and agency.

McCain proposes a $5,000 tax credit for health care, Palin said, “so that you can buy health care, the health care that you choose…It’s changing health care for the better; it’s putting health care on your side.”

“John McCain is the only man in this race with a plan that will actually help working families,” Palin told the audience, including many from North Escambia.

She said McCain talks differently than the Democratic candidate Barack Obama about America’s wars, and “unlike our opponent, he (McCain) isn’t afraid to use the word ‘victory’”.

“For just once, I’d like him (Obama) to say that he wants America to win,” she added before saying that Obama voted to cut funding for troops. She reminded the audience of McCain’s military service, including his years of training in Pensacola, before applauding the military members in the packed civic center.

Her speech was interrupted again by chants of “Sarah! Sarah” about halfway into her 30 minutes speech.

“Barack Obama is going to raise your taxes,” Palin said, saying the Democrats have a left wing agenda.

She said that the election was about “truthfulness and  judgment needed in the next president. Good judgment in the next president, and John McCain has it and Barack Obama does not have it.”

“Man, I love you Florida, because you just get it,” Palin said after a rousing round of “USA! USA” chants.

Pictured above and below: Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin at the Pensacola Civic Center Tuesday.



7 Responses to “Sarah Palin Brings Republican Message To Escambia County”

  1. lee on April 6th, 2009 11:35 pm

    Most of all I think she is a christain. I like her very much. I too hope the American
    people will wake up, and stand up.

  2. pamh on October 15th, 2008 9:10 am

    Dear Sara, a not to bright (look at her SAT scores and the colleges she went to compare to Harvard), does not know enought to be a mayor or a small town, let alone VP of the most powerful country in the world. Hopefully, the Dems will win so we can start cleaning up the mess that has been made over the last 8 years.

  3. Darryl Hall on October 13th, 2008 1:24 pm

    I’m amazed at how quickly people will jump on the Palin bandwagon thinking she is some great conservative, while allowing people in her rallys to yell out racist and inciting comments without rebuke. Obama may be a little too urban and socially progressive for many people, but calling him a terrorist and a muslim was something started by an anti-Jewish and racist individual who has tried to run for office as both Democrat and Republican, and who couldn’t get his license to practice law after a psychiatric finding of “moderately severe character defect manifested by well-documented ideation with a paranoid flavor and a grandiose character.”
    ; see
    for this individual. As for Palin’s Country First reheotric and the criticism she throws at Obama, it is hypocrisy at its worst. She has had ties to the group wanting Alaska to secede from the union, a preacher come into her church who believes in witches and was known for excising them in Africa, has practiced the worst cronyism while in office (An Agricultural depart head who’s only qualification was she liked cows in high school???) and thinks the Vice-Presidency as praciticed by Cheney is appropriate, regardless of its violations of Constitutional principals.

    It stuns me how many people will criticise Obama, not for some political position, but on falsehoods and slanderous comments. And referencing political positions, I know Palin exceeded expectations during the V-P debate, but go back and read her comments with some critical thinking and you’ll see on issue relating to Obama, she was wrong, and everything else she said of jiberish, at best, and asinine at worst.

    And would anyone like to look at McCain versus Obama on a family values angle?

  4. Chad on October 9th, 2008 2:12 am

    I was the person Sarah Palin spoke to on the cell phone after she gave her speech and was greeting the crowd in Pensacola. What a great lady! I’ve got my issues with Mccain, but he is a war hero no doubt…it’s a crying shame people are ignorant enough to vote for a left wing socialist like Obama. Wake up people!

  5. Chris Maloney on October 8th, 2008 5:23 pm

    she’s a hottie!!!

  6. Cheyenne G. on October 8th, 2008 4:53 pm

    I went to go see her. She is a very sweet, honest, beautiful woman. I got to shake her hand and say hey and get her autograph. She is so nice.

    GO PALIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. American on October 8th, 2008 1:22 pm

    GO PALIN!! I hope all Americans will pay attention to what she says. She is honest, sincere, and has a sense of humor.
