Rotary Learns About Relay For Life

October 23, 2008

Century’s Relay for Life is about six months away, and preparations are underway now for the annual fund raising event for the American Cancer Society.

bjdavis.jpgB.J. Davis (pictured left) and Jessica James from the American Cancer Society told the Tri-City Rotary Club Wednesday afternoon that teams are forming now, and there is still plenty of time for anyone to become involved in this year’s relay in Century.

“You don’t have to have a lot of people to form a team,” Lisa Moretz, Century’s team development chairperson, said. She said Century’s top fund raising team last year was as small employer.

Teams can register for Century’s Relay online at by filling out a few simple forms and paying a $100 commitment fee.

Century’s Relay for Life will be April 25-26, 2009. Further details are available at the web site.

One local team has an eye-catching fund raiser underway for Relay. The Relay for Life team at Byrneville Elementary School is selling Glamour Magic Photos. Call the school at 256-6350 for details. The date for the photos will be announced.


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