Northview Names NJROTC Officers

October 2, 2008


Northview High School has named NJROTC officers for the 2008-2009 school year.

They are front row, left to right:

  • Company CDR, c/LCDR Amanda Sellars
  • Weapons Officer, c/SCPO Daniel Jordan
  • Operations Officer, c/LTJG Deniece Jordan
  • Supply Officer, c/ENS Miranda Scott
  • Command Master Chief, c/MCPO Jessica Bloodsworth
  • Executive Officer, c/LT Dalton Cummings

Back row, left to right:

  • Athletics Officer,c/CPO Katie Mann
  • First Lieutenant, c/LTJG Harrison Whitehead
  • Admin Officer, c/ENS Clinton Davis
  • Public Affairs Officer, c/CPO William Conway
  • Chaplin, c/CPO Zachary Lamb

The Northview High NJROTC is under the command of Senior Naval Science Instructor Charlie Code.

Submitted photo for, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Northview Names NJROTC Officers”

  1. Katie M. on October 3rd, 2008 9:12 pm

    I’m EXTREMELY proud to be a part of this unit, and especially this staff.
    I’ve enjoyed every moment spent in the JROTC program at Northview, and I cannot wait to see where this year takes us.
    We’ve got a busy year ahead of us. Like Jeska said, we are just starting.
    But I’m already impressed with what we’ve done so far.
    Keep it up, staff.
    Honor, Courage, Commitment.
    Let’s rock it at AMI on the 8th!!

  2. Jeska B. on October 2nd, 2008 10:45 pm

    Ohhh yeah we’re looking good =).
    That awesome staff our unit has going on!
    Keep it up everyone,we’re just getting started…

  3. S.L.B on October 2nd, 2008 7:22 pm

    What a sharp looking unit we have at NHS!

    We are extremely proud of each one of you and all your accomplishments at NHS and outside of the school. We are excited to see what each one of you accomplish with your future. Remember, keep your heads held high, your mind straight and work real hard to help make this world a better place to live and love. And most of all, I hope and pray you will do it with God by your side.

    Congratulations Officers on your new promotions!