Northview NJROTC Gets High Marks In Annual Inspection

October 9, 2008


Northview High School’s NJROTC Annual Inspection was held Wednesday at the school, with cadets undergoing a face to face inspection with a Navy commander.

Commander Merlin Ladner, USN (Ret) conducted the inspection. The day’s events began with a personnel inspection, drill demonstration and a pass-in-review in the school gym. Other events Wednesday included a financial record review, briefings, administrative inspections, supply inspections and more.

One by one, Cmdr. Ladner went face to face with each cadet, asking them questions about their NJROTC experience and conduction a complete inspection of their uniform.

Click here for a complete photo gallery.

“I will spend 20 to 25 seconds with each cadet, asking them questions,” Lander told the audience. “You won’t hear what I have to say to them, but it will help me get a sense of the unit’s health and how it’s going.”

“Yes, sir,” the cadets answered as they faced the questions about their NJROTC service, their ribbons, the shine on their shoes and some less than expected questions that left some cadets trying not to crack a smile.

“You play football?” Ladner asked one freshman cadet.

“Yes, sir,” he replied, obviously relieved at the easy question.

“Are you a  freshman?” he asked another.

“Yes, sir,” she answered.

“That’s tough sometimes,” Ladner said.

“I want you all to know how proud I am of how you look this morning,” Ladner, who conducts annual inspections at about 60 high schools in the Southeast, told the entire group following his inspection.

He said it had been two years since he was last at Northview, and “it’s a pleasure to see how they have progressed in two years.” A visiting officer conducts inspections during the years Lander does not visit Bratt.

“Our cadets have the option,” he said, “to perhaps join the military.”

Ladner said the voluntary military service, and a voluntary Navy JROTC program is a good thing for the United States.

“I don’t think I’d want to be in a foxhole with someone that did not want to be there,” he said.

Three cadets — c/PO1 Monica McLain, c/PO3 Cardean Smith and c/SR Melissa Moretz –were presented with an “Exemplary Appearance Ribbon” for their efforts in Wednesday morning’s inspection.

Northview’s NJROTC received high marks in the review, including personnel inspection, pass in review, financial and property inventories and unit operations.

To view the program for the event, which includes a list of all Northview NJROTC cadets and officers, click here.

Northview’s NJROTC is under the command of Senior Naval Science Instructor Charlie Code and Senior Chief Lee Coleman. The unit is led by Company Commander  LCDR Amanda Sellars and Executive Officer Cadet LT Dalton Cummings.

Pictured above: Commander Merlin Lander, USN (Ret), inspects Admin Officer c/ENS Clinton Davis Wednesday morning at Northview High School. Pictured below: First Lieutenant, c/LTJG Harrison Whitehead stands with his platoon awaiting their inspection. photos, click to enlarge.



11 Responses to “Northview NJROTC Gets High Marks In Annual Inspection”

  1. Courtney M. Wilson on August 29th, 2013 10:24 am

    Commander Ladner is coming to inspect my unit this september. Im PO1 Wilson from Robertsdale High School and i am impressed with your units’ appearance. Congrats i’m sure you all did outstanding!

  2. Kayla M. on November 7th, 2008 9:20 am

    Hey Yall its kayla you know what we rocked Commander Ladners SOCKS at AMI go all Northview NJROTC cadets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. monica mclain on October 15th, 2008 8:28 am

    hey yall guys great job. We are really accomplishing something awsome this year. Thanks Amanda and Dalton yall rock. Keep up the good work.

  4. Admin on October 10th, 2008 7:10 pm

    Hoorah cadets!!! All of you did a great job on the inspection, and staff had a good brief with Commander Ladner. This year’s going to be the best; I know it. :)

  5. Mrs. Nall on October 10th, 2008 6:01 am

    I am VERY proud of everyone. I feel confident in you becoming our future leaders. During and after school hours you carry yourself with dignity and pride. I believe that NJROTC students model school, family, and American values more than any other students at Northview. I feel grateful to have NJROTC students in the classroom and on the cross country team. Senior Chief and Captain Code, you two are exemplary examples and leaders! Go Chiefs!

  6. Amanda on October 9th, 2008 9:32 pm

    Thank you to all my cadets. Yall did a great job and i am very proud of you. Keep up the good work throughout the year because we still have alot more great events planned. Including military ball and the milton field meet. See yall in class!

  7. Lisa on October 9th, 2008 9:31 pm

    Bravo Zulu to NJROTC. Thanks to Captain Code & Senior Chief Coleman for continuing to teach the cadets to strive for the best in themselves while working together. Congratulations to cadets McLain, Smith & Moretz – and thanks to the friend w/ the tide pen!

  8. S.L.B on October 8th, 2008 7:06 pm

    I too, would like to thank for thier support for the NHS NJROTC program and all other NHS programs for all the students.

  9. S.L.B on October 8th, 2008 7:02 pm

    Everyone did a fine job this morning with the Annual Military Inspection and we are all extremely proud each and everyone of you!

    NHS has the best NJROTC Instructors (Captian Code & Senior Chief) and what they bring to this program and the cadettes is nothing short of a true blessing.
    As a parent of a NHS NJROTC cadette, I THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all that you both do and the differences that you make in thier lives and the parents and the grandparents lives.

    Thank you Mrs.Weaver for making “our children” and “your students” educational experiences at Northview, as positive as possible. We are proud of the high standards that Northview displays and expects from all, which makes it such an outstanding High School to attend.

  10. Heidi on October 8th, 2008 3:45 pm

    I was so glad that I attended Northview’s AMI. It was awesome and all the cadets did a WONDERFUL job. I think Commander Ladner thought so too, by the smile on his face. Thanks to the great job by Ms. Weaver, Senior Chief and Captain Code.

  11. Lisa on October 8th, 2008 11:56 am

    Thanks for this site’s support of NJROTC.