Chiefs Lose To BHS On Long Road Trip

October 18, 2008


A long road trip to Blountstown did not work out well for the Northview Chiefs Friday night. Blountstown picked up their first win of the season over the Chiefs, 31-13.

Senior Jay Jackson had 25 carries Friday night for 136 yards. He was nine for 18 passing for 116 yards, and he had one touchdown and a couple of interceptions against the Tigers on the wet, slip-and-slide of a field.

Chris Sheets, a junior, had five carries for 63 yards, and Dustin Yuhasz had a 42 yard touchdown. It was Yuhasz’s first game of the season; he had been on the injury list.

Shakel Holmes also racked up yardage for the Chiefs, picking up 40 yards and a touchdown on eight carries.

On the defensive side, Austin Reed had 13 tackles for the Chiefs. Holmes had nine tackles, and Anthony Pierce had eight on the night.

The Northview Chiefs are 2-4 on the season, 1-1 in the district after their 350 mile round trip to Blountstown.

The Chiefs are home Friday night for Homecoming against district team Vernon High School.

Click here for more photos from the game.

Heather Leonard story.

Pictured above and below: Action from Northview at Blountstown. Heather Leonard photos for



6 Responses to “Chiefs Lose To BHS On Long Road Trip”

  1. Concerned Native on October 26th, 2008 2:31 pm

    Well Keith it takes more than players to win a game, it takes Coaches to teach them what they need to know to be successful at whatever system they run. You can’t just blame players, they can only do what they are allowed or taught to do. The Coaches are always the ones that should carry the blame, because players should not have to carry that burden, even if they do make mistakes, they are mistakes that are there due to the Coaching they are exposed to. Coaches make mistakes too, and in this case the Coaches can’t just simply pass the buck to the players. Lets all remember this, if keep on coddling the program the way it is, then we are enabling the results we are getting, and ultimatley will have only ourselves to blame.

  2. Just Me on October 20th, 2008 6:59 am

    well it’s not very hard to figure out where the ball is going then you run the same four or five plays week after week.I think our best line up is when reid is at qb and jackson lines up in the backfield.Look at the yards we have got in the times we did this.We have got to change up some,because it’s not hard to stop the same four or five plays we run.The reason why I think this will work is no one expects us to run anything but what we have for the last six games.To me i think Jackson can help us out alot more when he is at running back.Well that’s just my thinking.Keep working hard and have a great homecoming.

  3. Concerned Fan on October 19th, 2008 8:27 pm

    Played exceptionally well? I don’t think so when the ball is handed over time and time again inside the red zone. HELL FIRE? That obivously isn’t working. The only hell I read about in this game was the one being beaten out of the Chiefs again, again, and again. Maybe it’s time for a new chant and a new offensive game plan. A 2 and 4 record is not the end of the season, but a loss against Vernon on Friday will end any hopes of the playoffs. Motivate! Execute! and take care of business at Homecoming!!

  4. cheer fan on October 18th, 2008 9:41 pm

    Great Job last night girls. I had someone from the other team say that our squad is the best they’ve ever seen. I noticed several times the other cheerleaders stop to look at your stunts. Anna, your hard work with the girls shows. Keep up the good work. Way to go BT.

  5. Keith on October 18th, 2008 6:15 pm

    Inside the opponents 20 a total of 9 times and only scoring 13 points is pathetic.
    We’ve got to finish the job. We are not doing it. We gave away the past two games because of a lack of execution. I say this not in criticism ,but as a challenge for motivation.We can move the ball, but we are not finishing the job.Come on guys we know you can do it!!!!!!!

  6. A Fan on October 18th, 2008 5:16 pm

    Chiefs playes exceptionally well last night.
    i gotta hand it to them for how much they have improved throughout the season.
    Keep your heads up and prepare for Homecoming agaisnt Vernon this Friday.
