Century Moving Forward With County Code Enforcement

October 7, 2008

The Town of Century has taken the first step toward bringing code enforcement back to the town using services provided by Escambia County.

The council voted 3-2 Monday night to enter into contract negotiations with Escambia County for code enforcement services. Counil members Henry Hawkins and Gary Riley voted against the motion made by council member Nadine McCaw. The motion was seconded by Sharon Scott.

On the non-agenda item, Mayor Freddie McCall asked, “Are we in a position to consider to make a move on code (enforcement)after our public meetings?” The council held a town hall meeting on code enforcement on September 29, with an overwhelming majority of those in attendance expressing a desire for the county to do the job. A workshop with the head of county code enforcement was also held on September 15.

“That was the purpose of our workshop…was to get input on the way to go,” McCaw said.

“We just want the town cleaned up,” Scott said. “When they come across that bridge to the Sunshine State, it hardly looks like the Sunshine State.”

The town had also previously discussed possibly hiring their own code enforcement officer.

Next in the process, the town and county will negotiate a contract that must be approved by both parties.

To read the NorthEscambia.com story about the September 29 code enforcement town hall meeting, click here.

To read the NorthEscambia.com story about the September 15 meeting with the head of Escambia County’s code enforcement, click here.


One Response to “Century Moving Forward With County Code Enforcement”

  1. Chuck on October 9th, 2008 6:36 pm

    Thank God !!!!! I passed through town today following my dad to the campground. The house on the hill with all the firewood for sale and junk in the yard was awful , I hope that place gets hit first.