Atmore Adopts Smoke-Free Policy, Raises Garbage Rates

October 14, 2008

The City of Atmore has voted to adopt a smoke-free law and to raise garbage rates over 30 percent.

The smoke-free law adopted by the city council will prohibit indoor smoking in public buildings and places were people are employed. The smoking ban will also extend to outdoor areas such as stadiums. It includes all bars and restaurants in the city. Violators can be fined up to $50, and employers that violate the law can face fines up to $500.

The Atmore City Council has also voted to raise residential garbage rates in the city. A residential pickup will increase from $15 per month to $20 per month. It’s the first garbage service increase the town has had in about 10 years.


2 Responses to “Atmore Adopts Smoke-Free Policy, Raises Garbage Rates”

  1. Kim B. on October 14th, 2008 5:33 pm

    I am thankful to the city of Atmore for banning smoking in the restaurants! I have been allergic to smoke all of my life. If I’m around smoke I start to have asthmatic coughing spells and for the next week or two I have problems. I understand that it’s an inconvenience to smokers but for people like me it’s a blessing!!!

  2. Chris Maloney on October 14th, 2008 8:42 am

    Does this include the new casino to be smoke free?