Schools Prepared For Storm

September 1, 2008


Schools in Escambia County are prepared for Hurricane Gustav and the expected tropical storm conditions in North Escambia.

Hurricane shutters were put up Friday in advance of the storm, and on Saturday school buses were recalled to central locations from the homes of bus drivers.

The district is monitoring the progress of Gustav and conditions in Escambia County.

School District spokesperson Ronnie Arnold said district personnel would be assigned to the Escambia County Emergency Operations Center to monitor the hurricane.

Information about school on Tuesday will be relayed to school district employees by email and to the public via news organizations such as

School is already out on Monday for the Labor Day holiday. As for now, officials say be prepared for school to be in session on Tuesday.

Pictured above: School buses in Escambia County were recalled Saturday from bus driver homes to central locations, such as this parking lot at Ernest Ward Middle School. Pictured below: For the second weekend in a row, hurricane shutters are up at Ernest Ward and other schools across North Escambia. photos.



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