School Board Makes Personnel Changes In North Escambia

September 17, 2008

The Escambia County School Board made several personnel changes at North Escambia Schools during their Tuesday night meeting.

The board made the following appointments and reappointments at North Escambia schools:

  • Robert Cassevah, Ernest Ward Middle
  • Alison Collier, Molino Park Elementary
  • Mark Forsman, Ernest Ward Middle
  • Michael Gay, Ernest Ward Middle
  • Keith Griffin, Ernest Ward Middle
  • Chad Hetherington, Molino Park Elementary
  • Sharon Kite, Molino Park Elementary
  • Tadd Corder, Carver/Century K-8
  • Farron Simpson (part time), Ernest Ward Middle
  • Brandy White, Ernest Ward Middle
  • Barbara Luker, Northview High

The board made the following transfers:

  • Sharon Kite, from Molino Park to Bratt Elementary
  • Courtney Reaves, from Carver/Century to McMillan
  • Jesse Wolfe from Ernest Ward to Ransom

The board approved a leave of absence without pay for Detria Harris, teacher, at Carver/Century and Shelley Prince, counselor, at Molino Park.

Alisa Chancery was promoted to School Data Specialist II at Northview High. Jo Ellen Gunn was named a teacher’s assistant at Ernest Ward Middle.

The board approved the resignation of Judi McElhaney, a teacher’s assistant at Ernest Ward; and Bonnie Reaves, a teacher’s assistant at Carver/Century.


One Response to “School Board Makes Personnel Changes In North Escambia”

  1. Beegee on September 17th, 2008 2:42 pm

    You go,Brandy White,Barbara Luker{aka Blu} and Tadd Corder!!!