School Advisory Councils Decide How To Spend Thousands; Work Hard Behind The Scenes

September 24, 2008

sherrill.jpgWorking behind the scenes at area schools are school advisory councils, and they began this school year with the responsibility of deciding how to spend thousands of dollars awarded by the state.

School advisory councils are made up of a team of people representing the various segments of the community, from parents and teachers to students, administrators, support staff and local business people.

Based on the state’s school grading system, schools that either receive an “A” grade or improve at least one grade from the previous year were eligible to receive the recognition funds. Bratt Elementary received $33,492. Carver/Century K-8 School received $17,319. Molino Park Elementary was awarded $36,436. Charter school Byrneville Elementary got $13,830. Ernest Ward Middle School received $38,973, and Northview High School was awarded $46,887.

At Tuesday morning’s meeting of the school advisory council at Bratt Elementary School, the council voted to split Bratt’s $33,492 among all current school employees that were on the payroll last year — including teachers, lunchroom employees, custodians and other staff — as a bonus. It’s the same thing Bratt has done with their awarded school performance funds for each of the past several years, according to Principal Sheryl Pomeroy.

At Northview High School’s School Advisory County meeting Tuesday afternoon, members voted to form a committee to report back on possible uses for the school’s $46,887. The committee will consist of parents on the SAC, teachers and faculty. The committee will report back to the SAC at a future date.

By law, the funds can be used for non-recurring faculty bonuses, educational equipment, new technology or hiring temporary personnel to assist in maintaining and improving student performance.

“I want to give praise to our students, faculty and staff for their hard work. We were just six points away from an ‘A’. We were very close,” Northview Assistant Principal Mike Sherrill told the SAC of the B-graded school.

At Bratt’s school advisory council meeting, members were also informed that Bratt was rated as the only Five Star School in North Escambia.

“It’s an honor to be the only one in the north end,” outgoing SAC advisory council member Tami Calloway said. “It’s an honor that Bratt got that.”

The overall purpose of a school advisory council is to assist in the preparation and evaluation of the results of the school improvement plan and to assist the school principal with the annual school budget. Additionally, SAC’s receive funds to be used by the SAC at their discretion and monies to be used to reach the goals of the school’s improvement plan.

Pictured above: Assistant Principal Mike Sherrill at Northview’s School Advisory County meeting Tuesday. photo.


31 Responses to “School Advisory Councils Decide How To Spend Thousands; Work Hard Behind The Scenes”

  1. out there on October 15th, 2008 1:54 pm

    the advisory committees ahould be from each department…even food services…i think certain schools think that food service workers is like having a day in the park.. they are the lowest paid on the totum pole as it is but yet probably the most physicial job in the system..why doesn’t each employeee take a day ,come in and volunteer time to see just how it works in the kitchen… in the hot summer especially.. even subs work as hard too!!!

  2. John on September 29th, 2008 5:23 pm

    Stop whinning remember most of you all proberly voted those IDIOT Republicans into office this bounus money is another way to divide employees and rob money from education.I just don”t understand why they don’t send the whole amount to the districts and let them divide it, for all employees to share ,it is a team effort to educate the childern,I would like to see how well they learn in filthy rooms,no a/c,heat or non working toilets and yes I voted for them idiots too but not again. I did hear our school board members got over a $3000.00 a year pay raise now they make 36,000.00 plus a year for two or three meetings a month, well they do have to buy gas to get to the meetings

  3. a on September 29th, 2008 12:17 pm

    All I can say is that I hope you don’t help with spelling tests too often! YIKES!!!!

  4. Bobby on September 28th, 2008 10:49 pm

    CONCERNED PARENT–no driver should treat a student like that. I as a parent and know teachers can be very cruel., they fine a student they don’t want to teach and they will do everything to have them removed. For some reasons people think teacher never do wrong. oh well, they have there eyes closed.
    CONCERNED CITIZEN–let me tell you, I am a parent first and also a Bus Driver and very proud. I see my children more than lunchroom and custodians workers. No Driver is asking for as much as teachers but we should be included.
    WILLIARD–First- we never know because our schools are just that way. While my children were there I did volunteer. About the Test Grades, the custodian and lunchroom don’t teach or run papers off, do we here anyone saying they don’t deserve a part of the money. On my bus, if a student needs be to call there spelling words out then I help them. I even take up for the teachers when the student say, the teachers want help me, they said just go sit down and read the book. Yes, we have very respectiful bus drivers, we always greet our staff. yes we do support each other, we have very good drivers. We work with the office staff everyday. They call up about a student. if a bus is not there because of a emergency we cover.
    A DIDICATED EMPLOYEE– yes, thats a good ideal but take it away from the teachers and they will be upset. I know teachers work hard but people act like drivers don’t matter only the people that stay at the school for a few hours. All we are saying is lunchroom and custodians don’t teach either.
    MOM–I know its all about teachers as I said before i know they work hard but we as bus drivers do to. We are the next person that spend more time with the children when they leave ther homes. Some of the staff at the school ,never see the children all year.
    now get real–All we are saying, is, we know, we don’t teach class but why are people upset because bus driver ask about apart. of the money like everyone else. Why are we so wrong?

  5. Mom and SAC member on September 27th, 2008 7:25 pm

    Oh for heaven’s sake people,Lighten up! I have enrolled in college to become a teacher. Teachers are with our children because they love them and are dedicated to them! I have taught preschool for years, and it is not an easy task…You have to LOVE children! Teachers do not make enough in my opinion-KUDOS to Bratt for giving those bonuses!

  6. helen myers on September 27th, 2008 11:42 am

    my cousin has driven a school bus for over 19 years and absolutely loves her job.she cares very deeply for the children. she has expressed to me that jim allen and tate take care of their bus drivers, especially jim allen. as far as the election goes Claudia Brown-Curry will be getting mine and my husbands vote.

  7. A DEDICATED EMPLOYEE on September 27th, 2008 9:43 am

    Just for the record, I am a proud bus driver and have been for 22 years.
    My dedication has been and always will be for the children. And yes, I
    do have a college education, but I chose to be a bus driver.

  8. A DEDICATED EMPLOYEE on September 27th, 2008 8:19 am

    Why is everyone thinking about padding their pockets? Why not give the money to the ones that deserves it…….THE STUDENTS. They are the ones who made the grade. Use the money to thank them. Have a celebration in their behalf. Use the school grounds on a Saturday (so no educational time is lost ) to host a fun day for the students. All staff; teachers, principals, administration, cafeteria workers, custodians, bus drivers, assistants and even parents should volunteer their time to participate in the event. Have food, music and games. Reward the students. The school has what it earned.. a grade. Yes, a big thank you is needed, starting with the parents all the way up to the principals, including all employees that touch the students lives. We are fogetting what matters the most.. our children. They are our future and it is our responsibility to teach and mold them to the best of our abilities. As a parent, I thank all employees that my children come in contact with. They look up to each of you. Please set a great example of adulthood for them. As an employee, I feel you are forgetting why we choose our professions, wheather we have a college degree or not, OUR CHILDREN. So please give the money to the rightly deserving ones……THE STUDENTS. Thank them!!!

  9. Williard Purell on September 26th, 2008 10:53 pm

    I going to dress some of the BUS DRIVER>I DESERVE comments;
    Let’s be honest. REALLY HONEST. How often does a Bus Driver bring food to joint the rest of the Staff in different celebrations? How often does a Bus Driver volunteer to assist a Teacher in class or run papers for her? How often does a Bus Driver get blamed for a student not learning a certain skill or TEST Grades. How often are you held accountable for FCAT OR CAT test.
    How many hours are you working with a student? When was the last time a Bus Driver sent a card or called a Teacher, Teacher Aide, Library Aide, Office worker just to let them know, I sorry your sick. Your doing a good job. Thank You. Do you give that smile to Staff members when you arrive at school? I’m sure like you say there are a few schools that the Bus Drivers join right in during holidays and such. But the ones that are complaining don’t.
    Do Bus Drivers support each other? Send cards, call each other.’
    Honesty, complete honesty please. What have you done for the school that you haven’t gotten paid for. For some, “BRAVO”, MOST try harder to be a part.


    I am sorry if I have offended some. Be honest.

  10. Jean Miller on September 26th, 2008 10:29 pm

    Florida Statute Section 1008.36 provides guidelines for A+ money. There is NO candidate for superintendent who can change Florida statutes. The present superindtendent did not write the guidelines for distribution of this money. The solution is for school bus drivers ito lobby lawmakers to change the law so that they will receive a portion ofthe A+ funds.

  11. Concerned citizen on September 26th, 2008 10:16 pm

    What in the world? Each of us choose our professions.

    Think about it……….Why are schools receiving this money? FCAT results!

    FCAT results that reflect large percentages of student learning gains, and high . proficiency levels are a direct result of many hours of dedication from CLASSROOM TEACHERS!!!

    Some of us choose to make sacrifices to pay for college, complete a 4 or 5-year degree, and excel at our jobs that require of us to make a difference in the academic success and education of each and every student.

    Others choose to be bus drivers, picking up children and transporting them to school.

    Either choice is one to be proud of as long as we perform our jobs to the best of our abilities.

    However, no one, especially not bus drivers, should be proud of themselves for claiming that they deserve the money for student FCAT results when they don’t even know what an FCAT test looks like.

    I would feel the same way if a teacher was trying to say that they wanted the money the bus drivers should have gotten for getting the students to school on time!

    I know that the students wouldn’t be there if the bus drivers decided not to do their jobs, but if we are going to give bus drivers money from all three schools, then we may as well go ahead and put the parents of all the children who did well on the FCAT on the list to receive money also.

    And what about the grandparents, and the great-grandparents………the kids wouldn’t be there at the bus stop at all if not for them. They would have never been born.

  12. Diane on September 26th, 2008 6:58 pm

    Driving the bus is OUR job !!!!! Why should we not file a grievence over the schools taking money out of our pockets !! They do not want us to be included when there is money being but in SOME packets ! And do not let one MEAN bus driver reflect on all of us . The ladies that I work with everyday are very kind and loving people .

  13. Concerned Parent on September 26th, 2008 5:03 pm

    For the record, the STATE sets the A+ money and the SAC must decide how to spend it…..Mrs. Claudia Curry-Brown or any other person can’t make it where you will get your money. Bus drivers do deserve some, but they need to think about this when they file grievences against the schools and cause our kids not to get to take trips and the bus drivers who are pure mean to our kids……my kids some times come home crying over a bus driver telling them they would not take them home anymore and that she was just a spoiled rotten bratt. Thank God the principal of the school took care of the issue. So remember what go arounds does come around.

  14. Diane on September 26th, 2008 9:26 am

    Well Johnny how does the lunchroom employees and the custodians help with the kids academically ? They are getting a bonus !!! I think Amanda has a good idea ! Maybe we should all call in sick and see how many kids show up !!! But you know we would never do that to OUR KIDS ! We love our kids and are very proud to be NORTH END BUS DRIVERS !!!!!!!

    Vote Claudia Brown – Curry !!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. bp on September 25th, 2008 11:08 pm

    Bus Drivers play just as much roles in our kids lives as does the principals, teachers, ect…….

  16. Bobby on September 25th, 2008 10:17 pm

    Well , ,just thought I would write to say, I will be voting for Claudia Brown-Curry because I know she will be the best for the job. We need a change and some one that stands for the children. You know with the beer drinking and beer stops, should not be alouded We need to stand up for our children, they are just kids and these people are adults.
    Yes , I agree with Johnny about the teachers but the parents work hard too. You must be a car rider parent. Because my bus driver is on time and picks up my children everyday of the week.

  17. Shelly on September 25th, 2008 10:03 pm

    I have been a bus driver for many years now, I am the first smiley face that our children and the last to see in the county public school system. I do not understand why we are never included in any of the extra benefits. We cover for each other when one is sick or broke down to make sure the children get there on time. We sweat, we have headaches, we haul over a hundred students a day. Paperwork yes. Why to make sure we get paid for hauling the students. We help with homework, we kiss bobo’s, we refree, we stop fights and most of all we pray for safety to school and then to get them back home. So please can someone tell me why shouldn’t a bus driver get some of the extra benefits?

  18. Johnny on September 25th, 2008 6:13 pm

    The school can do what they want with the money. The students worked hard to earn the grade and the teachers aided in that acheivement. Not to be mean but i agree the bus drivers do get the kids to school, but the bus drivers did not help academically. So why should the bus drivers really get what the kids in the school did.

  19. kim on September 25th, 2008 4:25 pm

    The money should stay in the school, to be used to benefit the schools, in whatever the needs may be. NOT to fill everyones pocket who has their hand out. Lets consider the most important thing; OUR KIDS. And sure everyone works hard to achieve the best. But if we are all selfish about it, then that Goal
    has been defeated.

    Put our Students first.

  20. Lynn Simm on September 25th, 2008 1:46 pm

    A vote for Claudia Brown-Curry is wasted–she spews rhetoric about her
    experience–Check out her MySpace and you’ll learn how illiterate she really
    is–She will dumb down the school system with her “Fairest of the Fair” motto.
    Inept at best!! Better check her out before voting for her.

  21. Sue on September 25th, 2008 11:16 am

    Sorry North End Bus Drivers, that you don’t get recognize as the other employees do. I know of other schools who give money to all employees,give birthday cards,and call when your out sick. Will ask you to eat when they have a special luncheon. Bus drivers are people to.

    South of Walnut Hill

  22. Amanda on September 25th, 2008 9:39 am

    Well, all the bus drivers need to take about 3 or 4 days off at one time on sick leave, and not even show up at the schools. What would they do then?

  23. J. D. on September 25th, 2008 9:10 am

    I whole heartedly agree with Diane that the bus drivers should be awarded along with all others that recieved the bonus. They seem to do a very good job, with very little or no supervision. Seems their supervisors are to busy hauling beer in school vehicles for consumption on school property

  24. James on September 25th, 2008 6:27 am

    If a School is given extra monies for JOB WELL DONE. It would only be fair to distribute monies to each (County Employee) person that is involved with the Students that attends any of the Schools that received the extra monies.

    THANKS to ALL PERSONS that’s involved with STUDENTS, whether it be: Volunteers, Bus Drivers, Teachers, Custodians, Lunch Room employees, Heath care, Physical care or anyone that touch the life of a student.

    THANK GOD for people that DEDICATE their TIME & RESOURCES to help guide STUDENTS to be a PRODUCTIVE & EDUCATED CITIZEN that makes GOOD DECISIONS & CHOICES for their lives and the lives of others.

  25. Williard Purell on September 24th, 2008 10:26 pm

    I can’t wait to see what C/Century does with there money. There were a lot of employees cut. ;;this year, from Custodian, library, Aides and Teachers. Will they get their part? I doubt it. It’s one of those. “Out of sight, Out of mind”‘ GREED! Will run amuck>
    Oh, don;t forget the PTSA meeting tomorrow, Thursday at 6:30. Hey Parent, kin folks, community come on up and help us.

  26. Diane on September 24th, 2008 5:20 pm

    What about the bus drivers ? We are the ones out on the road at 5 am while most of you are still at home ! We are the first GOOD MORNING ! We are the last adult alot of the kids see in the afternoon ! We have hours of paper work ! If we do not drive them to school the teachers can not teach them . I would like to see the teachers have to ride the bus routes with us just one day !!! We all love our kids and we do just as much as the teachers do just in different ways .

    P.S. I will be voting for Claudia Brown- Curry !!!!!

  27. john on September 24th, 2008 2:11 pm

    Vote for Claudia Brown-Curry and Bus Drivers will be included!!!!!!!

  28. Hope on September 24th, 2008 12:49 pm

    School bus drivers should be included. My mom drives a bus. Not only does she drive the bus, I seen her doing paper work for days that she does not get paid for.She comes home wet with sweat and headaches. But she want quit the job because she loves the kids.

  29. BERNICE on September 24th, 2008 12:25 pm

    NO BRATT NORTHVIEW ERNESTWARD HAVENEVER RECONISE BUS DRIVERSOME …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

  30. Bobby on September 24th, 2008 12:09 pm

    That go to here, that our schools on the north end or doing so good. But I don’t understand why the drivers are never part of the schools. If it wasn’t for the drivers you would not need the teachers, custodians and lunchroom employees. We serve the parents and we do a good job.

  31. Hope on September 24th, 2008 12:04 pm

    Are school bus drivers included??????????