NHS Tribal Beat: Playing With Fire

September 5, 2008


The Northview High School Band has a hot halftime show planned for tonight’s football season opener at Catholic High School in Pensacola.

Part of the Tribal Beat’s halftime show will include majorettes Kolbi Cobb, Haley Simpson and Caitlyn Brown twirling flaming batons.

The three young ladies are back for another year as Northview’s majorettes.

Pictured above: (L-R) Kolbi Cobb, Haley Simpson and Caitlyn Brown practice their flame twirling earlier this week at Northview High School. Pictured bottom (top to bottom, scroll down to see all three photos) Northview majorettes Kolbi Cobb, Haley Simpson and Caitlyn Brown. NorthEscambia.com photos.





3 Responses to “NHS Tribal Beat: Playing With Fire”

  1. Jennifer on September 9th, 2008 9:26 pm

    great job! loved it! sorry if i was to sick to fully appreciate it but job well done!

    love ya’ll!

  2. cb on September 7th, 2008 3:25 pm

    YEAH THATS RIGHT!!! those are some major-threats right there!!we have worked really hard this year and we no that its going to be a great season!i love you guys! GO CHIEFS!!!


  3. Emily on September 7th, 2008 2:30 pm

    You girls were great Friday night. The three of you looked amazing.
    It was a shame Catholic could not keep the kids off of the field while the band was playing. I feel that was very RUDE.