Many Teachers Receiving $2042 Bonus

September 8, 2008

Later this month, 908 Escambia County teachers will have a little something extra in their paychecks…$2042 to be exact.

The teachers will receive a merit pay bonus based upon evaluations using district approved standards negotiated by the school district and the teacher’s union. It is a plan that links the bonuses to the professional accomplishments and performance of students, particularly how the teacher’s students perform on the FCAT. Not every  eligible teacher receives the bonuses.

The $2.1 million in checks will go out next Monday to the eligible  teachers. There are about 3,200 teachers in the Escambia County School District. About 1,850 were eligible for the bonuses, but only 908 will ever see the money for the 2007-2008 school year. The check stubs are due to be mailed next Monday, with the money deposited with regular paychecks at the end of the month.

Of the teacher initially eligible for the bonus, about 500 opted out of the program. Each eligible teacher will receive the same bonus, after FICA deductions.

The district will be paying out $2,094,929 in bonuses to the teachers and 36 school district employees. The money comes from the state.

Escambia County was one of just nine school districts out of the 67 in the state eligible to provide merit bonuses to teachers.


4 Responses to “Many Teachers Receiving $2042 Bonus”

  1. Chuck on September 9th, 2008 7:52 pm

    It would be interesting to see a list of which teachers from which schools got bonuses. Why? Because I think that there are probably some tremendous
    educators at Carver that did not get bonuses since the kids they are teaching show up for class with bellies growling or they are tired from no sleep. On the flip side , I’ll bet you that there are some awful teachers at A.K Sutor that got bonuses because those kids are from a better home environment ( parents help with homework) and don’t require the effort of more needy students. I don’t know ,just guessin’

  2. cs on September 9th, 2008 6:51 pm

    Why don’t all teachers who qualify for the bonus get it?Also, why would you opt out?
    Just curious.

  3. Ashley on September 9th, 2008 3:41 pm

    Congrats to the teachers that got the extra money. It is well deserved!!!!

  4. Chris on September 8th, 2008 8:05 pm

    Less than half of those teachers who qualified for the bonus received the bonus. One third of the district’s teachers have got to be a bit po’d.