Huge Tree Limb Slams Into Molino Trailer; Resident Uninjured

September 3, 2008


No one was injured when a large oak tree limb crashed down onto a Molino home Tuesday afternoon.

The resident of the mobile home inĀ  the 5000 block of Cedartown Road said she was in the other end of the trailer about 3 p.m. Tuesday with her grandchild when the limb crashed into the roof. They were not injured.

“I just thank the Lord we were not in there in this end of the house,” she told “The Lord saved us. My house, my stuff can be replaced. I just thank God we were OK.”

There was no wind or rain in the area at the time the limb fell, but neighbors say they think the tree might have been damaged in some of the Hurricane Gustav related storms that moved over the area on Monday.

The resident said the inside of the mobile home was heavily damaged, with much of the ceiling falling to the floor.

The Molino Volunteer Fire Department responded to call.


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