County Meeting Tonight To Discuss Fire Unification Plan

September 22, 2008

Escambia County will hold a special meeting with fire-rescue staff and the volunteer fire chiefs to finalize the county’s fire department unification plan.

The Escambia County Commission was set to approve the unification plan at their meeting last Thursday, but they decided to delay the vote for at least a week.

Fire Chief Kenny Perkins says the extra week will give him the time needed to line up the support of all 15 volunteer chiefs and iron out differences over what to do about volunteer officers that do not meet minimum standards for their positions under the plan.

The meeting with the firemen and their chiefs will be held at the Bureau of Public Safety, 6575 North “W” Street tonight at 6:30.

The commission has scheduled a special meeting for Thursday to adopt the fire unification plan.

Click here to read the entire unification plan as it currently stands. (63 pages, 3.73 Mb pdf)

Click the following links to read recent articles about the fire unification plan.


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