Area Schools Awarded Cash For Good Grades

September 18, 2008

Thousands of dollars have been awarded to North Escambia Schools for their academic achievement and improvement during last school year.

Based on the state’s school grading system, schools that either receive an “A” grade or improve at least one grade from the previous year are eligible to receive the recognition funds.

Bratt Elementary received $33,492. Carver/Century K-8 School received $17,319. Molino Park Elementary was awarded $36,436. Charter school Byrneville Elementary got $13,830.

Ernest Ward Middle School received $38,973, and Northview High School was awarded $46,887.

“Florida’s students, teachers and administrators are to be commended for their continued achievements in increasing school performance and student learning,” Governor Charlie Crist said. “Education is the foundation for every student’s future success, and we remain diligent in ensuring the best learning environment possible for Florida’s children.”

“I’m honored to recognize these outstanding schools for their unwavering commitment to the success of our students,” said Education Commissioner Dr. Eric J. Smith. “Through the collaborative efforts of teachers, parents, and school administrators, we can continue to inspire our children to achieve to their highest potential.”

Schools that qualify for the recognition funds are awarded $85 dollars for each student at the school. The funds are then allocated based on a joint decision by the school’s staff and school advisory council. These funds can be for non-recurring faculty bonuses, educational equipment, new technology or hiring temporary personnel to assist in maintaining and improving student performance.

Statewide, the program awarded $147.1 million. A total of about $1.7 million was awarded in Escambia County.


5 Responses to “Area Schools Awarded Cash For Good Grades”

  1. Teaching isn't easy. . . on September 18th, 2008 9:45 pm

    How very delusional J. Carson is! “Teachers just help you get going” and “Being a teacher is so much easier once you get there” are exactly why excellent people leave the teaching profession! Teachers do not get enough credit for all we do! We don’t get overtime even though we always work over what we “have” to. We watch our students at their extracurricular events, buy them gifts for holidays, reward them with incentives out of our own pockets, and much, much more. What other profession does these things? How many of you have ever seen your doctor or dentist at your ball game or ballet recital?How many of these other professions would stay late, for free, just to make sure you “got” what you needed? Granted, we all knew we wouldn’t make a fortune doing what we do. We do it for the love! We do it for the feeling you get knowing you made a difference. How about giving credit where credit is due? Let’s not attack the profession that is truly responsible for all other professions.

  2. Madison on September 18th, 2008 6:48 pm

    Great Job Schools…You did a great job!!!

  3. Kathi Iannone on September 18th, 2008 8:55 am

    Way to Go Mrs. Woodward!!! Because of your leadership and working well with others you, the Teachers and all the Staff, Kitchen, and Custodial Personnel at Molino Park made us an A. Look at how it ALL paid off!

    Great Job…..Keep up your Awesome ways!!!

  4. J Carson on September 18th, 2008 8:10 am

    The students do the studying, the teachers just help you get going. Give us students a break, they know what it’s like to be a student. Being a teacher is so much easier once you get there.

  5. S.L.B on September 18th, 2008 7:52 am

    Since the School Board has now decided the next year’s school budget, which did not include raises for our teachers, whom worked really hard with the children in order to acheive this honor of recognition funds.

    My opinion and vote… for what it’s worth, is for them to use the award money and reward the teachers for their dedication and hard work, with a bonus.
    They deserve it and they earned it!

    We are very proud of our schools, teachers, personel and students here in the northend of Escambia County, Florida. Keep up the GREAT work everybody!