Tax Collector Cutting Hours, Moving Driver License Services From Century

August 19, 2008

dlsample.jpgDriver license services will no longer be offered at the courthouse in Century after September 11, and the tax collector’s hours in Century are being cut back to just three days a week. has learned that Escambia County Tax Collector Janet Holley will announce on Tuesday that her office in the Billy G. Ward Courthouse in Century will no longer offer driver license services next month. Those services will be transferred to the Cantonment office on Highway 29.

“The service is being transferred from the Century Tax Collector Office in order to provide easier access to a greater number of citizens in the northern part of Escambia County,” the press release to be issued today from Holley’s office says.

Both the Century and Cantonment tax collector offices will be closed on Friday, September 12 to transfer computer systems. The Century branch will reopen on Tuesday, September 16 with new hours of operation…Tuesday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. The office is currently open 8:30 to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The Cantonment branch will continue their same hours of operation from 8:30 until 5:00 Monday to Friday with extended hours unti 6:00 on Wednesdays. The driver license services will be available by appointment only by calling 438-6500, extension 252.

“In this reorganization, we have reallocated our services in order to reach the most citizens while reducing the cost of providing these services,” Holley said. “We expect to save about $100,000 annually in operational costs and reduction in staff.”

Holley was in Century Monday and met with Mayor Freddie McCall and council President Anne Brooks to explain the changes to them prior to making the public annoucement on Tuesday.

“We are very fortunate that it’s a reduction, not a closure,” Brooks said. “She was nice to let the town know about it first.”


6 Responses to “Tax Collector Cutting Hours, Moving Driver License Services From Century”

  1. Gayle on August 22nd, 2008 11:18 am

    The next step they need to close the Century City hall and save alot of money from there. ,Hey we have to drive to Pensacola for a car tag or drivers Lic why not mail or drive to p-cola and pay the water BILL etc…….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we paying our light bill in Flomaton Al hey take it all away !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no Mayor , No Council board let p-cola handle it all….. move it all while you moving it ! out law enforcement is out of p-cola also Hey WHY NOT CENTURY HAS NOTHING ANYMORE BUT PROBLEMS

  2. Jim Stanton on August 22nd, 2008 8:39 am

    Since I have a CDL licenses, I appreciate the fact now that I have to drive approximately 60 miles to renew my licenses in person instead of a mile and a half, gas prices being what they are. It just goes to prove, to Pensacola, the world ends at Nine Mile road.

  3. Beegee on August 21st, 2008 7:12 pm

    Well,why not…..they are taking away everything else!!!!!It seems to me there is a lot of hidden agendas around the south end towards the north end……they might as well make us Pensacola…..AND there lies within…..hidden agendas!!!!!That’s exactly what they are trying to do,get the people so destitute that they’ll be happy to have the city move in!!!!It would be very easy to do….not that we’d want that….oh no!!! I lived in the city for 30 years and that’s why I moved up here……to get away from the city…there were a lot of conveniences up here to make it easier for us to go to the city less often…….hello!!!!!!!!!! Think about it folks……….

  4. Gayle on August 20th, 2008 10:16 pm

    Like i said Before in a comment CENTURY FLORIDA is sad very sad if it wasnt for my 5 grandkids here in Century and Flomaton and owning my home i would of been gone from this sick town years ago CENTURY IS ALWAYS GOING DOWN it’s ashame here ………….Century is the talk of the town now days GOD ONLY knows i hate Century Florida.;;;;;;;;;;;;Here gas prices had everyone in a bind everything going up sky high … Century Hospital got shut down the Medicade office and Food stamp office got taken away , now Century Elem school is beening a threat to shut down now the tag office in leaving why have a town? why dont they just shut down the town of Century hook it up with Pensacola or Flomaton theres nothing here anyways ,…. its so sad !!!!!!!!!Century has nothing BUT prombles !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Non Resident on August 20th, 2008 6:49 pm

    Close the Century Courthouse will be next. Glad someone figured out it was easier for me to drive to Cantonement than to get my stuff in Century. Thanks Janet so very much for all your thoughts of us in the north end. I am sure the gas we save driving to Cantonement will be in our thoughts for you on election day also. Wow lets just close the north end of the county. That would be wonderful. I know I am a little sarcastic but,I am old so what. I thought it was cute myself.

  6. sharon scott on August 19th, 2008 1:39 pm

    I realize that budget cuts are everywhere, but I wonder why does Century always get the axe? We aren’t a bunch of negative people up here in the northend of the County. Believe it or not we Centurions get along for the most part. We just understand that it is okay to have your own opinion. But, it terrifies me when an official from Pensacola comes to Century smiling. I kinow an axe is behind the smile. I thank Janet Holley for the services we will be receiving, because it could be a lot worse.