School District Has Paid Thousands In Utility Bills For Church; Seeks Answers

August 7, 2008


The Escambia County School board has paid tens of thousands of dollars of utility bills for a Century church for the past four years, and now the district is trying to sort out exactly how that happened.

According to bills obtained from the Town of  Century, the Escambia County School District paid $61,432.50 in gas, water, sewage and garbage fees for the district’s property at 700 East Hecker Road in Century. That address is the old Century High School, which is leased from the school district for $1 per year by the New Life Baptist Church.

That lease agreement executed June 15, 2004, says “New Life shall pay or be responsible for payment of the cost of all utilities, including security deposits and connection and capacity impact fees, if any furnished the property”.

“Right now, it does appear we have been paying the utilities at the building,” Ronnie Arnold, school districts spokesman, told “From what we can tell so far, it appears that this one slipped through the cracks.” He noted that the school district pays a huge number of utility bills on dozens of their facilities each month.

The school district does intend to seek reimbursement for the thousands of dollars in utility bills, Arnold said.

“We are are trying to find out now what exactly they should have to pay,” he said. Some district programs, including a Title I program, did occupy a portion of the building for some time early in the lease.  “It would have been appropriate for us (the district) to pick up some of the utilities during that time.”

The school district receives bills under six accounts from the Town Century for town supplied water, sewer, natural gas and trash service. Four bills indicate that they are for 440 East Hecker Road, the address of the current Carver/Century K-8 School. Another appears on first investigation to be for the gym and football field. But one account, which includes both a water and gas meter, indicates that it is for “Carver Middle School” at 700 East Hecker, the address currently leased by New Life Baptist.

“It’s rather convoluted due to the six different accounts, the different addresses and the different names like Century Elementary, Carver/Century and Century Middle School,” Arnold said. “But we should have caught that bill and not paid it.”

“But hopefully we will be able to put a number to this soon and make arrangements for the church to pay up,” he added.

Arnold told that it was not immediately clear if the district has been paying the power bill or if that has been paid by the church. He said the district was investigating and would be able to to determine if the school systems has paid the power bill.

The lease for the building was approved by the Escambia County School Board on January 20, 2004. Minutes from that meeting state “The Superintendent recommended that the Board “move forward” with leasing the former Carver Middle School to New Life Baptist Church. Motion was made by Mr. (Jeff) Bergosh, seconded by Mr. (Ronnie) Clark, to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to ‘move forward’ with leasing the former Carver Middle School to New Life Baptist Church.”

The board’s minutes from January 20, 2004, do not indicate that the lease would be for the $1 per year as it was executed in June of that year.

New Life Baptist Church, Inc. is not the only entity that uses the building as its legal address, according to records filed with the Florida Secretary of State. Century Community Development Partnership, Inc. also uses the building’s address on its legal corporation report. According to the CCDP website, the group exists to create “purpose driven communities” through affordable housing. Irvin Stallworth, pastor of New Life Baptist Church, is listed as the president and registered agent for the Century Community Development Partnership. attempted to contact Rev. Irvin Stallworth by both phone and email Wednesday afternoon for comment on this story. We left phone messages at a listed number for the New Life Baptist Church, and at another number listed for the Century Community Development Partnership. We also emailed Rev. Stallworth at his personal email address and left messages with a member of his church. We called his home phone number in Milton and attempted to leave a message, but we received a message that his voicemail box was full.

As of 1:00 a.m. Thursday morning, we had received no contact or comment from Rev. Stallworth.

Arnold said that he spoke briefly with Rev. Stallworth earlier and he indicated that he was in Washington, D.C. Church members told that he was at his church Sunday and had planned to be there for a service Wednesday evening.

For more coverage on this developing story:

Click here to read “Will Discovery That School District Has Paid Church Bills Impact School Closure?”

Click here to read “School District Pays Church Utility Bills: Community Reaction”

Pictured above: New Life Baptist Church leases this building, the former Century High School, for $1 per year from the Escambia School District. photo, click to enlarge.


19 Responses to “School District Has Paid Thousands In Utility Bills For Church; Seeks Answers”

  1. Lucy on August 15th, 2008 11:19 am

    My hat is off to Pastor Stallworth and Jack Moran. I meet the pastor a couple of years ago and was very impressed by his manor and his gift of compassion. As for Mr. Moran well I must say he is a great man of honor and for those of you who only know him for the man who stands and says what you wished you had said. Let me tell you he is a good man with a of passion for the Truth, who puts God first .
    Ok so the school board has paid for bills that the church never recieved. Has anyone wonder why now it is found? Corruption? Maybe that should be changed to lack of reading a bill and wondering why it was not lowered after the first month the building was leased. And the lease was it worded to included the utilities? Is anyone aware of the fact that the school board and the power company can get grants ? After all Century is a rual area. Yes grants to pay the bill .

    The solution is really simple. Work together put the sticks down and work together. Century is a town that life is just beginning to grow again in small steps. Why not make a differance together show the childern and teens they can make a differance , why not show them they have a chance for great future and when mistakes or miss understandings are made ….YOU CAN MAKE IT RIGHT it just takes alittle hard work and faith. How many of parents and grandparents hate seeing our children leave?

  2. Nina on August 15th, 2008 10:53 am

    Wow when did the glass houses go up in Century? Ok I have read all the comments.
    Let me ask you these questions:
    How can anyone pay for a bill not recieved? Why doesn’t Gulf Power just write this off as an tax deduction , they’ll get it back since its a rual area.
    Why doesn’t the power company just put meters on each secton like they do in apartments.

    And my final question……I really want to know why …Why is it that when few good people want to make a differance in thier community , keep in mind that is giving back uncondtionally. People want to attack their motives instead of using thier resorces to help a town that has been on a slow death until now.

    Yes I guess my pebble might make a crack in your shiny glass house. But I think
    it is forgotten WHY this all got started……….Reminder for the people :It was for the children to have a bighter future and really the children are our future.
    Thank you

  3. concerned citizen on August 11th, 2008 10:51 pm

    I called the Headstart main office in Pensacola inquiring about the Century lease arrangement today as promised. I made four attempts to get information. I was thwarted at each encounter with the following response. We have been instructed not to discuss this at this time.

    I will continue trying to get the public information.

  4. concerned citizen on August 11th, 2008 10:47 pm

    Jack you asked how we the citizens would divide up the utility bills, we wouldn’t…New Life Baptist Church signed a lease with the school board for a specific space, clearly defined and agreed to place utilities associated with that agreed upon space in their name. So they get the bill. Your church must learn to say no to using the space and utilities if you do not have the funds to pay for your bills.

    Jack, you write as though you are the end all and know all about anything Century and intimate in a very derogatory tone that anyone that disagrees with you is basically an “idiot”. You don’t know everything, you have only been living in this area for a few years. You are not the “expert” on anything “historical” in this area.

    You are just a person like the rest of us who has an opinion and that opinion really only matters to ones self.

  5. concerned citizen on August 11th, 2008 10:30 pm

    Interesting to note dear citizens….Mr. Stallworth and Mr. Moran’s Century Community Development Project has many vice presidents listed and not one of them including Mr. Stallworth is from Century. Most interesting though was the discovery that Claudia Curry(school board member) is on the board. Hmmmm….. does this explain why Mr. Stallworth and the church KNEW they would not have to be paying any utilities? A very close connection to the school board…this absolutely smells of corruption.

  6. concerned citizen on August 11th, 2008 10:21 pm

    Thank you Jack for clarifying the situation with Headstart and your church. According to you, Headstart is not being charged rent and utilities at your church’s leased property. This would mean that your church decided to pay all bills for the space used by Headstart with the complete understanding that they could pay but were asked not to. Therefore, everyone can stop complaining about Headstart having responsibility for the utilities, etc. Your church has decided to pay that for them. How generous however your church has not paid for any utilities so can the church keep that up? Was that generosity based on the fact that the school board was paying the church’s way so your group could afford to be generous? So this utility bill payment was already known to Mr. Stallworth so he could be as generous as he wanted. That’s just great. So stop complaining about dividing the bills up. You leased the space, you are responsible for who uses it.

  7. Tax payer on August 11th, 2008 1:33 pm

    This problem is Larger than life, everyone knew this was happening! All who pay taxes should be outraged. Great job printing this story, carry on citizens

  8. Jack Moran on August 10th, 2008 9:46 pm

    I continue to be amazed at some of the shrill and angry rhetoric from some of the “concerned citizens” of Century. There is a plethora of criticism about what New Life Church is or is not doing for the community, by those who have obviously never been to the church. Some have even suggested that I personally pay the utility bills. But I may ask who will pay the utility bills for events the Town of Century held at the facility, or the FEMA events, or the school board events and programs, or state events? And BTW, how would YOU separate the costs? Yes, it is a difficult situation to figure out, but lynching Pastor Stallworth or crucifying New Life Baptist Church will not fix it either historically or moving forward.

    Like Max says, there are those who have 2X4’s in their own eye. I am also somewhat amazed at the response of the Town of Century who has been paid – at least by someone, and their rush to “pile-on”.

    I understand the righteous indignation of citizen-taxpayers regarding how their tax money is spent or not spent; and I am sure that in time the issue will be all sorted out and cleared up. However, I am also sure that the Town of Century has enough of its own fish to fry.

    The “concerned citizen” was very pointed in saying;
    “Headstart is not the responsibility of the school board. They have their own funding. They sign leases at all sites. The school board does not tell them where to have their programs. Their director or board then seeks out space to have their program, this includes rent and utilities. They are very separate in their funding sources from the school board. I am under the impression they have had a lease with the church for some time. I will call the Headstart office tomorrow and verify their lease and agreement. I will not be calling the school board for that information as they will not have it.”

    Well, let me give you a bit of history and fact regarding Head-Start in Century.

    Century did not have a Head-Start program until more than 19 years after Pensacola Head-Start was fully implemented, just like Century did not have a public-access day care until this past April-2008!

    Last year, the Century Head-Start was scheduled to be closed because it no longer had a place it could lease – the courageous Director was scrambling to keep the Head-Start in Century from Closing; however, Pastor Stallworth, realizing what a blow shutting down the Head-Start Program would be to the town, stepped up and offered them a place in the old Century High School. He (Stallworth) postponed the plans his church had for that space, and made it available to Head-Start to save the program in Century. Although they (Head-Start) could and would pay rent, he gave them the space for free – putting money back in the pockets of the taxpayers I would think. I don’t believe the Town of Century offered them space, nor did the Chamber of Commerce or anyone else that I am aware of. Once the “concerned citizen” checks on the Head-Start lease, I hope he/she will help find the money to build Head-Start (a proven program) a permanent home building in Century.

    When the Day Care Center came up short of funds necessary to complete the construction and renovations necessary to open; it was Pastor Stallworth that lobbied members of the Congress and Senate in Washington D.C. and found the extra funds – almost $100,000; but now for the first time in its history there is a quality Day Care and after school care for Century’s children. Where were the “concerned citizens” during the 12 plus years we worked on that project? And I can tell you this; Without Stallworth’s help, the Century Child Development (Day Care) Center would NEVER have happened.

    As for me and my house, we will stand with our Pastor, our Church, and our Lord!

    Jack Moran

  9. concerned citizen on August 10th, 2008 6:30 pm

    You still don’t get how it really works I am sorry. The church leased the school and it was clearly stated that they were to get the utilities placed in their names. The church did not just lease the space for a couple of days a week for church meetings. They got the whole thing. They then have to pay utilities for the whole thing.

    Headstart is not the responsibility of the school board. They have their own funding. They sign leases at all sites. The school board does not tell them where to have their programs. Their director or board then seeks out space to have their program, this includes rent and utilities. They are very separate in their funding sources from the school board. I am under the impression they have had a lease with the church for some time. I will call the Headstart office tomorrow and verify their lease and agreement. I will not be calling the school board for that information as they will not have it.

    Mr. Stallworth and his boards know they have to make restitution to the school board and waiting to hear from them is an excuse. They need to walk outside and find the meters on the building(s) they rented, call gulf power and get the bills and while they are doing that they should pay their deposits and get everything in their name.

    Anyone that uses the facility space(s) rented by the church do so at the church’s discretion still making the church responsible for all utilities and if they need the money collecting that from the groups using said facility.

    By the way, exactly what is this church doing for the community? There has been a lot of ink about Mr. Stallworth but what exactly is the church doing in a positive way for the community that is any more significant than the other church whose congregation are doing their part? I have seen nothing to elevate them above the other churches. It seems all are doing their part and Mr. Stallworth and his congregation are not rising above them in community work. They are all equal. Mr. Stallworth and Mr. Moran are better able to attract media attention.

    It would seem that once the media attention is not directed by them then they cry foul.

  10. Max on August 10th, 2008 2:42 pm

    Concerned citizen, reread the articles. I paid attention to what I read and did not read anything into them. I did not read that anywhere in the article that the school district does not continue to utilize these facilities. Century/Carver school does utillize the ball fields, which can cost tens of thousands a year to run those big lights on the ball field. The Escambia County HeadStart program utilizes the facilities. That is a school board organization as well. Churches routinely meet on Sun am, pm and wed pm. These others utilize these facilities daily Monday thru Friday. As I said before, utility consumption for these times could not be anymore than 12-18K.

    Concerned citizen, are you telling me that you did not see Barnes on the Channel 3 news when the interviewer asked him what other information of alleged wrongdoing he had. He acknowledged that he did have more, but that he wasn’t ready to divulge it? You would have had to seen the manner in which he said that to know he is on witchhunts.

    Everyone should be for positive, progressive movement. Stallworth has already said he will get the bills paid. But he has to be told what he owes first.

  11. concerned citizen on August 10th, 2008 10:22 am

    pay attention. The church leased the property, then they allowed the other organizations to use the property the church had leased. Therefore, the church is responsible for the utilities. They in turn should collect ( and probably do collect) fees from the organizations they allow to use THEIR leased facility.

    The school board did not lease the building and property to the other organizations you mention, the church leased the building and property therefore making them responsible for the bills as their lease stated. The church made the arrangements with the groups you mention to use the facility. It is not my responsibility or any other taxpayer to pay for that.

    Also a facility of that size will have enormous utility bills particulary Gulf Power bills.

    You continue to complain about Mr. Barnes having an axe to grind, apparently you do too as you keep mentioning the past. This is now and a problem no matter its origin was made public.

    Sorry no one likes the problem but it exists and is still existing as no utilities have been changed to the churches name.

  12. Max on August 10th, 2008 1:10 am

    I find it absurd that all the fine upstanding citizens of century are up in arms over a church that is doing much good in this community slipping on the power bills. Pastor Stallworth even stated up front to figure out how much his church owes and let him know and IT WILL BE PAID. What more do you people want. If you will also remember other organizations also used that same complex such as the American Cancer Society. I can almost guarantee you that most of the $60,000 bill is NOT for the church. I would estimate that the church probably only owes $12,000 to 18,000 for the amount of utilities an average church that size would use, if that much.

    As Chuck reiterated, figure a bill and let them pay it and get on with it.

    Trish, if you are a government employee as you allude, you will also admit that our government bureaucracy is never going to change its wasteful spending habits. We need to CUT all the unnecessary government jobs, CUT the amount of government property that is needlessly surplused, continue voting IN FAVOR of constitutional amendments that will continue to force budgets cuts AND CUT property taxes, and vote the deadbeats out of office.

    Benny Barnes obviously has an ax to grind, however he should remove the 2×4 out of his own eye before he begins yelling about the splinters in others eyes. He was one of the most unqualified elected officials that has ever served in this community and that is why he is NOT the mayor anymore.

    It is such a shame that Century has the slogan “A Dawning of a New Century” on it’s town sign. If Barnes ever makes it back into any job related to Century, it won’t be a dawning, it’ll be a falling! LOL

  13. concerned citizen on August 9th, 2008 2:12 pm

    Mr. Moran is apparently not only a member of the church in question but his picture appears on the website of the other group, concerned citizens, listing the church address as their own as a member of the board. It would appear that he has vested interests in the clearing up of the misappropriated funds.

    Query? Do the church books indicate that the utility bills were paid? If so this would be a classic example of money diversion. If the books do indicate that the utility bills were paid then where did the money go? Just a thought.

  14. Delane Garrett on August 9th, 2008 11:24 am

    In answer to Mr. Morans letter…..If you are so besotted by the good rev. why don’t you pay the School Board back the 60.000.00 plus that he stole in power bills. If I’m not mistaken that would pay the salaries of a couple of much needed teachers.

  15. Chuck on August 7th, 2008 8:24 pm

    Just figure a bill up and let these people pay it . It was a simple oversight and now it’s being addressed. This is a church folks and i’m sure they were not trying to put one over on the people of this county.

  16. Trish on August 7th, 2008 2:56 pm

    Excuse me, but doesn’t the school board have a lawyer on payroll? Everyone else does. Where was the lawyer when the agreement was drawn up? Saying it was overlooked because of Ivan is hogwash! I am a government employee, believe me when I say that the only thing that was not back to normal 6 months after Ivan were the individuals doing paperwork to collect from Fema. All government agencies worked for two years getting every penny they could while they could.

    With budget cuts and threats of people loosing their jobs everything needs to be looked into. Someone has to ultimately be responsible and let’s not blame it on the worker bees.

    Many times situations happen because someone knows someone else and favors are granted. Those in power need to be careful. There is always someone watching and sometimes it just takes asking the right question at the right time. Then watch the dominos fall!

  17. Jack Moran on August 7th, 2008 7:22 am

    I applaud the investigative vigor of I wish that had been around several years ago when thousands of dollars went missing at the Incubator project on Pond St.

    I am however more than a little concerned at the apparent “witch-hunt” and name calling that has been generated by the letter from a former mayor of the Town of Century against a person known far and wide as a selfless Man of God. It is not my intent to escalate the childish name calling by an old politician, but to ask some additional questions and state some facts as I know them. Also, everyone should go by the Old High School where the church is and see with their own eyes what is going on there – take the tour. The school district would do well to have all of its abandoned schools take on a second life of service to the community like the Old High School has, but that is another story. Getting back to the accusations by a former mayor of Century –

    First; the Escambia County School District has not been as focused on its responsibilities as it could have been in many areas of management in the district; the reports by the Auditor General of Florida attest to that.

    The lease and the actions of the school district were obviously flawed – that is to say, it is obvious that the entirety of the bills (the total) that is the responsibility of the church.

    The entire bill would include the Carver-Century Elementary School proper, the gym, the football stadium, and the portions of the Old Century High School that are and have been occupied by or serve the school district and other state services, like the Head Start Program, and the former Even-Start Program of the school district. The Church cannot be held responsible for paying for school district or state bills.

    Until recently, the church actually occupies a relatively small portion of the Old Building, and the church has done a miraculous job of maintaining and restoring it. So Mr. Arnold’s comment that; “We are trying to find out now what exactly they should have to pay,” he said. Some district programs, including a Title I program, did occupy a portion of the building for some time early in the lease. “It would have been appropriate for us (the district) to pick up some of the utilities during that time.” This comment is much more telling than the headlines of the stories imply. How do you separate the utilities in such a complex situation, and whose responsibility is it or was it to calculate the bill? I think neither Pastor Stallworth’s nor New Life Church.

    Now in defense of the school district; note the date. July of 2004 – just before hurricane Ivan hit. The ensuing chaos likely played a role in the school district not following through on taking action to separate the utilities billings.

    Now, I live near Bratt, and thus by definition of my residence I cannot be a “leading citizen of Century”, but I do keep up with what is going on. The former mayor has confronted me with that fact several times publicly, saying about me the same line he used against the pastor of New Life Church – something like you don’t even live in Century. However, that also is also another story – you don’t have to live in Century to take an interest in the town, the school, and the vision of what the town could be. Like it or not, it is the “second city of Escambia County” and the Court House North is there.

    Having said all of that, and noting that there is much more that could be said; I will finish by saying that as for me, I will stand by New Life Church and Pastor Irvin Stallworth for I have found him, the church, and The God he serves to be selfless, honorable, righteous, and honest.

    W.D. Jack Moran

  18. John on August 7th, 2008 6:59 am

    Ronnie Arnold, school districts spokesman, said it “slipped through the cracks”. I’ll tell ya, that’s a pretty big crack if you ask me.
    If they are missings items like this, what else is being ignored??

  19. Jay on August 7th, 2008 6:49 am

    We need to look at the whole picture here. The Carver/Century K-8 school uses the gym and football field. Do the electric bills include these cost? What about Head Start Program? It utilizies a section in the back of the old school. How is their electrical usage figured in and who is paying for it?

    So there is more than the church using these facilities, including pee-wee football… Does the pee-wee folks pay for lights as well?