Scenes From A Storm

August 25, 2008

Here are some scenes from North Escambia Saturday and Sunday as Tropical Storm Fay crossed the area. Scroll down in the story to see all of the pictures. NorthEscambia photos.


Pictured above: Sandbags were placed at Cooper’s Grocery in Bratt Saturday afternoon in anticipation of heavy rains to come and water running off Highway 4.


Pictured above: Dirt remained at the old Molino Elementary School Sunday, one of the sandbag distribution sites in Escambia County on Saturday.


Pictured above: Highway 29 in Century appeared almost abandoned Saturday afternoon as most people stayed home waiting for the storm to arrive.


Pictured above: It was a wet afternoon for the Century Volunteer Fire Department on Salter’s Lake Road were two trailers were destroyed by a falling tree Saturday afternoon. Read that story and see a photo by clicking here.


Pictured above: The Escambia River near Molino Sunday afternoon. As Fay approached, the river was forecast to have flood, but it did not because the storm never dumped the projected foot or more of rain in the area.


Pictured above: He’s ready for the rain. This duck, presumably from nearby Stone Lake, was walking in a quiet Highway 4 Saturday afternoon.


Pictured above: The flag blows in a light wind Saturday afternoon at the Billy G. Ward Courthouse.


Pictured above: This flag at a home on Highway 97 in Dogwood Park did not fare well in the wind.


Pictured above: Sunday afternoon was peaceful and sometimes sunny on the Escambia River, a great improvement over the original weather forecast for the day.


3 Responses to “Scenes From A Storm”

  1. melanie on August 27th, 2008 3:35 pm

    i love the duck in the road.

  2. Cindy on August 24th, 2008 9:51 am

    Love that run away duck!

  3. Beegee on August 23rd, 2008 7:32 pm

    I loved seeing the flag waving!!!! Proves to me that through thick or thin,sunshine or rain…….Old Glory still waves on……