Parents, Staff Learn About Next School Year At Carver/Century; School Needs 65 More Kids

August 15, 2008


About 40 people attended a meeting Thursday night at Carver/Century K-8 School to learn more about the upcoming school year that begins Monday, and to learn about what the principal believes is needed to keep the school open another year. The closure of the school for the 2009-2010 school year is on Monday’s agenda for the Escambia County School Board.

The night’s meeting began by celebrating the fact that the school has improved from a status grade of “F” to a “B”.

“I want to say thank you to the parents; you have an active roll in making this possible,” Principal Jeff Garthwaite said. “We have shown the world that this is not an “F” school. We have proven that. We have ruffled some feathers here and there.”

But to avoid closure, the school needs another 65 or so students…fast. School begins Monday, with about 235 students currently enrolled. Garthwaite said that number would need to be at about 300 for the school to remain open.

“There’s a rich cultural heritage in being a Century Blackcat,” he said. “We need to bring people back to this school from communities like Bratt, Byrneville and McDavid. We need those students back to continue Blackcat pride.”

He asked the parents, faculty and community members at the meeting to tell their friends, family members and neighbors to return their children to Carver/Century.

“It’s going to be an exciting year at Carver/Century,” Garthwaite said.

Budget cutbacks have led to the elimination of 12 positions at the school. The assistant principal, four teachers, front office staff, food service workers and a custodian are all gone this year.

Without the 65 or so additional students, those cuts wont’ be the end; the school will close, Garthwaite said.

“We are down to the wire. It’s is time to have a really heart wrenching discussion about what is wrong and how we can fix it. We need the students that have left this school to come back, and we need them to come back now.”

Pictured above: Carver/Century staffer Judy Bakers listens to Principal Jeff Garthwaite at a Thursday night meeting at the school. photo.


One Response to “Parents, Staff Learn About Next School Year At Carver/Century; School Needs 65 More Kids”

  1. edna on August 16th, 2008 11:19 am

    Mr. Garthwaite and his staff have worked very hard to bring our school up to a B grade. I am proud to have him and his staff working in our community. They have done, and are going to do all they can to keep the school, however, we the citizens of Century must do our part if we keep our school.. If you live here and have children, give the school another chance. Bring them back and help instill in them the pride that was once the heart beat of the school and community. Our children deserve better than a long bus ride to another school. They could spend that time studying and bringing up their grades (or keeping up their grades) as well as keep our community alive. Keep Black pride going !!! Give Carver/Century another chance!!! Thank you for considering the opportunity of helping make our school and community a better place to live and raise your family. I believe that our community is what we are willing to make it.