NHS Chiefs Release Football Schedule; Will Travel Many Miles

August 9, 2008

The Northview Chiefs have finalized their 2008 football schedule, and NHS fans that attend all of the games will rack up over 1,200 miles during the season.

The season will kickoff September 5 on the road at Pensacola Catholic. The first home game won’t be until September 19 against Walton County, and the first district game won’t be until September 26. The complete schedule is below.

The longest road trip will be to Blountstown, a 344 mile round trip from Bratt. Three other games — Chipley, Holmes County and Marianna — are over 200 miles round trip. The total round trip miles from Bratt to all of the away games will be about 1,260.

NorthEscambia.com is looking for a reporter/photographer to help us cover Northview High School football this fall, along with some other sporting events. If you are interested, or know someone that might be, email news@northescambia.com with your information.



8 Responses to “NHS Chiefs Release Football Schedule; Will Travel Many Miles”

  1. Brad on August 23rd, 2008 4:41 pm

    To all of you chiefs, why don’t you guys start playing real football and maybe some of these local teams will schedule a game with ya’ll. Flomaton needs some of the same problems worked out. Try winning a few games this year. GO CANES!!!!!

  2. Katie on August 14th, 2008 6:29 pm

    I’m a varsity cheerleader at Northview High School, and this year’s squad was also surprised at the large number of games that are away and the few home games that are taking place on our turf. Also, what Ashley said was kind of true about the fact that we play these teams because they are closer to our size. It may come as shock that we play so few home games, but it will be the other way around next year. Just like last year when our first game was AT HOME against Catholic, this year’s will be AWAY against Catholic. And most likely, next year’s willl be AT HOME against Catholic or another team. It just rotates every year. Of course, there will be ALOT of traveling going on, and the cheerleaders usually carpool anyway to closer games like West Florida and Catholic, but like Ann said, the MANY tax dollars that are spent are going to this gas for the team to get back and forth.
    Thank you,
    GO CHIEFS! : ]

  3. Ashley on August 11th, 2008 10:06 am

    I am not 100% on this, so someone can correct me if I am wrong….. I believe that NHS plays these particular schools because of there class/rank (I am not certain of the term). Basically we have a certain number of students and we have to play schools with the same rank / class (which have approx. the same number of students). I guess it would be unfair to play smaller schools with a smaller pool to pull players from. I believe that is why we used to play Jay, Atmore, etc. and now we don’t. ?!?

  4. Chris Maloney on August 9th, 2008 8:33 pm

    I’m 100% with Bob & Shaun. 4 District games and 6 non-district games. The Chipley, Walton, and Blountstown games could be against other semi-local teams. Save the scheduling conflict excuses for ya momma!!! How the crap did NHS talk Walton into driving all the way to the cow pasture? Swapping the games around to local teams would save gas on both ends. Oh and Bow, as far as cutting football… I don’t see that ever happening!

  5. Shaun on August 9th, 2008 7:04 pm

    I agree with you Bob, only 4 games that they have to play the rest can be anyone. No more exciting Friday night rivalry games takes the fun out of going and cheering.

  6. Bob on August 9th, 2008 6:04 pm

    You have to play the district games, but I have never understood how come NHS does not play more local teams. Teams like Atmore, T.R. Miller, W.S. Neal, Flomaton, Jay, Baldwin County teams, Pensacola teams, etc. Imagine the gate and concessions with local teams bringing 100’s of people compared to some of these teams bringing 20 to 30 people. It just doesn’t make a lot of sense. Then again, there have been a lot of things at Northview that have never made sense.

  7. ann on August 9th, 2008 10:50 am

    First of all, you may want to check your spelling and grammar before posting. Second, you may be surprised at exactly what all of your tax dollars pay for. Football travel should be the least of your worries. Go Chiefs!

  8. bow on August 9th, 2008 5:45 am

    and tell who is paying for the GAS for all these miles. USE that is who. if they can’t have games around here then cut the football