Molino Park Students Hold Prayer Walk Prior To New School Year

August 16, 2008


Over two dozen Molino Park Elementary School students took to the hallways of the school Friday morning to ask for the Lord’s blessing on their upcoming school year.

“Dear Lord, bless our teachers, bless our school, bless our students,” they were led in prayer. Following morning orientation for students and parents, the two dozen plus students went from hallway to hallway, holding a short prayer in each one.

Molino park teachers were given a candle with a little note that said “Thank you for being one more light on the path helping our children become all God wants them to be! We are praying for you.”

The event was led by Highland Baptist Church.

Click here for more photos from the Molino Park prayer walk.


3 Responses to “Molino Park Students Hold Prayer Walk Prior To New School Year”

  1. Shannon on August 20th, 2008 10:49 am

    High School and Middle School students should also take a stand —its time we put GOD back in our schools and our children–There should not be any shame in being a true Christian !!!

  2. melanie on August 19th, 2008 5:18 pm

    my daughter goes to this school and i love it!excellent teachers and she says a prayer every morning about her family,her teacher… and her sissy going to her little school,she would say…and she’s only 6 yrs old! lets have a great new school year!

  3. Katrina on August 18th, 2008 12:58 pm

    Let the little children be an example of how it should be