Ethics Case Heard Against Former Century Mayor

August 25, 2008

hammondfront.jpgThe state Commission On Ethics held a two day hearing last week in the case of a former Century mayor accused of abusing that office.

An administrative hearing was held Thursday and Friday into allegations against Evelyn Hammond, a one-term mayor of Century.

Last year, the Ethics Commission found probable cause to believe that Hammond, during her term as mayor of the Town of Century, misused her office by allowing her son to continue to receive utility services when his account was delinquent or by directing that late fees be dropped from his account.

The Commission also found probable cause to believe that she misused her position to retaliate against Century Little League for her son’s special benefit. Charges that she misused her office to give a raise to her son and charges that she promoted, advanced, or advocated the promotion or advancement of her relatives were dismissed.

Kerrie J. Stillman, spokesperson for the Commission on Ethics, told NorthEscambia that might be several weeks before the judge in the case issues a ruling in the matter.

The ethics complaint alleged that Hammond’s son, Eddie Hammond, did not pay his utility bills for four years while working as a supervisor for the town’s utilities department. The complaint charged that when the bills were found, Evelyn Hammond waived $200 in late charges and fines and paid the remaining $1,700.

The ethic’s complaint also charges that Hammond took over concessions at the Little League Park concession stand and hired someone from Alabama to run it. The concessions stand had previous raised funds for the Little League ball teams.

A complaint had also been filed that Hammond used her position has mayor to obtain a raise for her son, but the Ethics Commission did not find probable cause in that case.

The ethics complaints were filed by Ann Brooks, Nolan Wilson and Annie Savage.

Hammond was defeated 341 votes to 241 votes in her bid for reelection by now Mayor Freddie McCall. The race received a lot of media attention after Hammond alleged that McCall and new council member Nadine McCaw attempted to buy votes with money and watermelons, allegations that they both denied.

Pictured above: Evelyn Hammond, former Century Mayor, at the ribbon cutting of the Camp Fire USA Childcare facility in Century in January 2007. File photo.


4 Responses to “Ethics Case Heard Against Former Century Mayor”

  1. Angela on August 30th, 2008 9:23 am

    I remember Ms. Evelyn at the pagents when I was a teen (as a participant). Yes she is very loving and I hate that it has all come to this. But, the ethics board has cleared her of some of the charges, but some of those were way to obvious to ignore. I hate that her bad judgment may taint her great reputation. She did not do too bad a job as mayor, but I can’t wait to see how Century is at the end of this term. I recently heard about this site and love to read the articles, thank you for whoever this is bringing us the news more than once a week, OH and for FREE!

    Angela J

  2. The 3 children of Ms. Hammond on August 29th, 2008 9:17 pm

    This comment is from the children of Former Mayor Hammond. No matter what people say nor what they think we know our Mom is a very honest person. She was in charge of the Century Sawmill pageant for years. She had a granddaughter that was in those pageant when they first started she never one time gave her granddaughter anything that the judges didn’t score her to have. If my Mom was gonna be unfair don’t you think she would have done it for a granddaughter that meant the world to her. Our Mom will always have the support of her family and the love, its a shame dirty politics has tried to bring a good woman down and believe me its hard to bring a GOOD woman down. Hold your head high Mom for you have done nothing wrong we love you and will support you til the end. Don’t forget this is not the first time our family has had to stick together and I’m sure it wont be the last, but no matter what blood is thicker than water, I’m sure others in Century will learn this sooner or later. This town would be so much better if all the nonsense would stop and people learn to work together for the town instead of working together to hurt innocent people. All this does is make the town look bad and those involved.

  3. Snow on August 29th, 2008 5:04 pm

    Century is a small town,Mayor Hammond did a great job. She is a great person.I only wish she was still in office. She did everything she could for this small town. When called she would help a person. The town has went down since she left office. Stop the fighting , century is to small a town to be in the spot light for ethic complaints these people have other motives. Bring Back Mayor Hammond.

  4. Delane Garrett on August 28th, 2008 12:45 am

    S omeone please correct me if I”m wrong, but former Mayor Hammonds MayorHammonds made changes at the
    little League concessions stand after there was an altercation between two ‘adult’ women? And if I remember correctly the changes were long over due. I don’t know Former Mayor from Adam, however, I do remember reading about a lot of stuff happening that should not have been going on at a ball park where children were trying to play ball.I also remember the stuff that went on when she was elected Mayor. It’s not surprising that the same people who were hollowing foul, pardon the pun,then are still hollowing now.Just my opinion.