District 5 Commission Republican Candidates Talk Consolidated Government

August 22, 2008

The four Republican candidates for Escambia County Commission District 5 faced the cameras Thursday night for a political forum on WSRE public television. One hot topic was the consolidation of county government with the City of Pensacola.

“I think in order to save money, it is a very viable option that needs to be looked at in the future,” candidate Randall McCrackin said.  He added that if Escambia County and Pensacola could put aside some differences, he thinks the consolidated government would be viable.

“Working with the City of Pensacola would be great in certain areas,” Packy Mitchell said. “I think it would be a great thing to do, if it serves as a cost savings to the public.”

“There are concerns in District 5 about a centralized government being able to provide adequate services to the north end,” Chris Washler said, “because the north end issues are drastically different than what you find down in Pensacola.” He added that both governments need to be more efficient before consolidation talks proceed, and only then should it be seriously considered.

“There’s been an open dialog between us (the county commission) and the city; we’ve built a good relationship,” incumbent Kevin White said. “We are going in the right direction. Consolidating the two governments, I think, is a way off. There’s a lot of issues to work through to make that happen.” He said discussion is currently underway between the county and Pensacola to consolidate building inspections and parks and recreation.

One issue where the four Republican candidates agreed was the need for a county economic development agency. Currently, the county contributes $400,000 plus per year to the Pensacola Area Chamber of Commerce to conduct economic development in Escambia County. All four men agreed that using the Pensacola Chamber for Escambia County economic development was not the best option for the county.

Questions for the Rally 2008 forum on WSRE were prepared by League of Women Voters of the Pensacola Bay Area and were submitted from the community. You can watch the Rally 2008 online at wsre.org. Thursday night’s show is expected to be posted in the next few days. The Republican Primary Election is next Tuesday.

Editor’s note: It is worth noting that in another article here on NorthEscambia.com, you will read comments about Century’s economy from the Democratic candidates for District 5 commission, while there are no such comments from the  Republicans. The Republicans were not asked for their comments on Century in the questions prepared by the League Of Women Voters.

Pictured below: (L-R top) Randall McCrackin, Packy Mitchell, (L-R bottom) Chris Washler and Kevin White on WSRE Thursday night. Click to enlarge. Courtesy WSRE.




4 Responses to “District 5 Commission Republican Candidates Talk Consolidated Government”

  1. JD on August 25th, 2008 10:00 pm

    I was raised in the North end of the county and and watched the progression of services move further and further south until I finally made the move further north into Alabama. I think it is time the people of the North end discuss separating from Escambia County and forming thier own government or for that matter consolidating with Escambia County Al and the state of Alabama. Hey you might gain a state income tax, but the propetry tax, insurance, and buliding costs/permits are much cheaper. Anything has got to be better than being dictated to by outsiders who have moved into Pensacola and want to make the county as screwed up as the place they moved from!!

  2. Ronnie Faulk on August 22nd, 2008 10:48 am

    The people on the north end of the county might be getting tired of the cost savings that have been thought of for them. (School closing, moving services from Century to Cantonement closing down HRS services for our good so we could save money by leaving here to go to another place to do our business.) Did anyone think about asking us if we would like to be involved with and made a part of the goverment in Pensacola. I am one that sure would not want to. Things have already gotten worst on the north end and I have lived here for 22 years and haven’t seen alot of improvements as to how the people are treated or thought about on the north end. The way it seems to me is that we have always been consolisated. The south end gets we don’t. Just my opioin.

  3. Cheryl on August 22nd, 2008 5:57 am

    I was really impressed with Chris Washler and what he had to say. If he doesn’t make it this time, I hope he continues to pursue leadership roles in the future.

  4. Jerry Simmons on August 22nd, 2008 5:20 am

    I find it very interesting that all the candidates fail to mention any effect consolidation would have on the Town of Century. All they know is the City of Pensacola. They want to represent all of north Escambia? Doesn’t sound like they care about anything except Pensacola.