Council Talks Grants, New Life Church, Helicopter Technologies And More

August 19, 2008

showalter.jpgThe Century Town Council held a public hearing with no public input, discussed Helicopter Technologies, New Life Baptist Church, and changes aimed at improvement at a length session Monday night.

The council started a two and a half hour evening with a public hearing at 6:30  to discuss the continued development of both the Anthony Pleasant Sports Complex (formerly the Showalter Park Expansion) and Fischer Landing and to solicit public input regarding submission of a Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) grant application. Each grant could be worth up to $200,000 to the town. If the recreation grant for Fischer Landing is approved, it would fund the construction of a fishing pier and boat dock. The one minute public hearing ended with no member of the public speaking.

The council heard from Mayor Freddie McCall about the status of Helicopter Technologies during their two hour regular meeting. He said that Matt Dannheisser, the town’s attorney, had emailed a deed for the Helicopter Technology building to owner George Van Nevel in France in hopes that Van Nevel will sign the building back over to the town. The town had threatened forclosure action against the company, but opted to attempt to regain control of the building outside of the court system.

“I hope he (Van Nevel) is going to do what he said and sign it back to us, McCall said, adding that if there is a foreclosure he would hate to see the town “lose it on the courthouse steps to someone else”, referring to a public sale that might follow foreclosure proceedings.

Council member Gary Riley said he had received complaints that items were being moved out of, or away from, the Helicopter Technologies building “late at night”.

“They have heard a lot of scraping and scrubbing,” Riley said of the complaints received from neighborhoods near the Industrial Park where the building is located.

Council member Henry Hawkins complained to the council that some members have overstepped their bounds by making comments in the media about New Life Baptist Church. The Escambia County School District says they have paid tens of thousands of dollars in utility bills on the old Century High School building leased by New Life when the $1 per year lease on the building explictedly says New Life will pay those utility bills.

“We shouldn’t be getting involved with other people are doing that is none of our business,” Hawkin said. “We need need to be a little more tactful with what we do.” He suggested that New Life might sue council members or others in the town for their comments to the media.

“As long as we are not representing the town in what we do, we have the right to our views,” council President Anne Brooks said. “I think the county has been grossly mismanaging our money. I am proud to have a part in pointing it out.”

Century resident Annie Savage agreed.

“I’m very unhappy over the whole deal. They should have been paying their bills,” Savage said. “I am a taxpayer, and I don’t think the school board should have paid their bills.”

Another Century resident, Leola Robinson, disagreed. She said the school board should pay New Life Church because church members and Rev. Irvin Stallworth work to clean up trash around the old stadium. “I feel like the town is indebted to Rev. Stallworth.”

Robinson also offered her thoughts about the proposed closure of Carver/Century K-8 School.

“If they move our school to Walnut Hill, I want them to cut off my school taxes,” Robinson said. “I’m not going to pay them.”


2 Responses to “Council Talks Grants, New Life Church, Helicopter Technologies And More”

  1. resident2 on August 19th, 2008 2:19 pm

    President Anne Brooks said. “I think the county has been grossly mismanaging our money. I am proud to have a part in pointing it out.”

    Great Job Mrs. Brooks, stand your ground! because your right…..
    If that were Mr. Hawkins money, he would tear the count house doors down trying to get it back.

  2. Tax payer on August 19th, 2008 9:37 am

    Another Century resident, “Leola Robinson”, disagreed. She said the school board should pay New Life Church because church members and Rev. Irvin Stallworth work to clean up trash around the old stadium. “I feel like the town is indebted to Rev. Stallworth.”

    Mrs. Robinson, the School District is already giving the building to them for $1.00 a year! They make repairs to the Building (which they shouldn’t) cut the grass, I mean cleaning up around the place shouldn’t require payment!!! Personally the School District should get out of this business of suppling building for any and all PRIVATE pass the collection plate use ( County Wide)……….District Officials will most likely say : it’s good for the Community, what they won’t say is the fact it’s VERY Costly, Tax dollars are meant to be used to Educate the Children, Check the bills at Washington, Pineforest …….USE the Tax dollars on the Students of Escambia County……………….