Where Are The Century Town Limits? The Town Does Not Know

July 22, 2008

centurymap10.jpgWhere exactly is the Town of Century? The town council has determined that it does not exactly know, and they may eventually turn to an engineering firm to find out.

The town limit discussion at Monday night’s meeting of the town council started over a trash can. The council voted to forgive a past due garbage bill for a resident on Pleasant Hill Road who has not had a can for years but has run up a $446 garbage bill. The council also voted to require the resident to pay a garbage bill from now forward.

“If we are going to exempt him from this point on,” Mayor Freddie McCall said, “are we going to be able to do this for the rest of the citizens?”

“If you are live in the city limits, you have to have garbage,” council member Nadine McCaw said. “The only thing to do is deliver him a can.”

“When did I get in the city limits?” the man asked. “I’ve been on that hill for 36 years.”

“Your dad voted for years,” McCall said of the father that had lived in the home. Only residents in the town limits can vote in Century elections.

Several residents said that the east side of Pleasant Hill Road is in the town and the west side is not. And that is exactly what several popular internet mapping services indicate, including Google Maps. But those maps are not legal.

When asked exactly where the town limits are, the mayor said the town really did not have an accurate map.

“I’ve got no earthly idea,” McCall said of exactly where the town limits lie.

The council voted 5-0 to have the mayor attempt to find an accurate survey or map depicting the town limits. If he is unable to locate one, the town may end up paying an engineering firm for a survey.

Pictured above: A 1990 map from Century’s Comprehensive Plan. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


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