Site Upgrade: Post Your Comments About Our Stories

July 1, 2008

We have upgraded to allow you to post comments about most all of our stories.

If you will scroll down the page to the bottom of each story, you’ll now find a comment section. It is there that you can post comments about the story you just read.

You will be asked for a name and email. The name will appear on the site (you can use a nickname, screen name or handle), but your email address will not appear. You must use a valid email address.

There are some rules for the comment feature:

  1. Be Nice. No comments that slander another, no racism, no sexism.
  2. No Harrassing Comments. If someone says something bad about you, don’t respond. That’s childish.
  3. No Libel. That’s saying something is not true about someone. Don’t do it.
  4. Keep it clean. Nothing vulgar, obscene or sexually related. Period.
  5. reserves the right to remove any comments that violate our rules or we think is inappropriate. We are not responsible for what is posted. Comments may not appear right away until they are approved by a moderator. Problem users will be banned.
  6. Limit your comments to the subject in the story you just read.
  7. No spam…no advertising any business or service.
  8. The comment feature is in test mode. Something weird might happen, or your comments may be deleted.

Use the same name (or  nickname or screen name) and email each time you post, and your comments will appear faster.

If you have any questions about the comment feature, email for help.


5 Responses to “Site Upgrade: Post Your Comments About Our Stories”

  1. Sylvia Godwin on July 3rd, 2008 10:29 am

    This is great. We get the news that concerns our community. Thamks keep up the good work.!

  2. William on July 2nd, 2008 9:57 am

    To LDA: will be having lots more coverage on local races and the candidates as we get a little bit closer to the primary on August 26.

  3. LDA on July 2nd, 2008 9:53 am

    Ditto! Keep up the great work NorthEscambia. A suggestion would be to give us more information about ALL the candidates running for offices in District 5 before we get to any run-offs. It seems we only get information when it’s down to the last 2 more notable or financed names and perhaps someone less known could offer more to our community. Thank you!

  4. Willene Bryan on July 2nd, 2008 5:53 am

    I always check out This is a great site to find out the News in our area.

  5. Mr.Molino on July 1st, 2008 7:41 am

    This is good. Some of the times I have something to say and I want people to know that things I have to say.