County Gives First Nod To Pet Friendly Hurricane Shelter

July 18, 2008

The county commission gave a preliminary go-ahead for Escambia County’s first pet-friendly hurricane evacuation shelter Thursday morning.

The pet-friendly shelter of last resort would be located at Molino Park Elementary School.

“I think it is good,” Commissioner Grover Robinson said. “We have got a lot of people that have pets.”

The county is currently conducting a pet-friendly shelter needs survey. So far, 574 pet owners have take the survey. You can take the survey by clicking here.

While there are over 1,500 local hotel and motel rooms that will accept pets, the county has determined the need for a pet-friendly shelter as a last resort for those unable to evacuate their pets elsewhere or simply will not evacuate without their pets.The pets would be housed in the 3,158 square foot area of the school’s gym. The county says that will house between 148 to 350 pets in pet carriers or cages.

“I wish we could do more. Right now, 250 is better than zero,” Robinson said.

The shelter would be for household cats and dogs only, with no other pets or animals allowed. Pet owners would be responsible for providing their own food, water, medicine and cleanup supplies.

Owners would not be allowed to shelter with their pets in the pet area, nor would pets be allowed in the people shelter area of the school.

A contractor will be used to sanitize the school and spray for fleas before students are allowed to return.


3 Responses to “County Gives First Nod To Pet Friendly Hurricane Shelter”

  1. Nancy Henry on August 29th, 2008 6:33 pm

    Thank you so much, I am in a panic when a hurricane comes near, I live on Social Security and it would be hard for me to rent a motel room. I stayed home during Ivan because I would not leave my animal, and had no funds to stay in a motel. It was very scary a tree about 60 ft. tall fell a couple of feet from my home if it had fell in a different direction it would have killed me. I could hear nails trying to back out of my roof from the force of the wind. By Gods grace I made it through. Thank you so much from providing a place for people like me. My dog has been my faithful companion for 12 years. I could not leave him.

  2. Mary Ann Long on July 21st, 2008 1:39 pm

    I think we are long over due for a pet friendly shelter. A lot of people look on their pets as part of their family and would not think of leaving them behind if they can’t find a safe place for them. there fore they won’t leave either.

  3. Patricia Collier on July 17th, 2008 4:15 am

    We’d like to encourage Escambia County Commission to approve this and further, to permanently establish Molino Park or another facility as a pet-friendly shelter. This will help ensure the safety of all citizens during disasters such as hurricanes or fires. For our 2008 Pet-Friendly Emergency Shelter Guide, which includes all Florida counties, please see: