Commissioner Almost Loses His Cool With County Fire Chief At Meeting

July 18, 2008

The process of consolidating the county’s volunteer and paid firefighters is continuing, but not without contention between one commissioner and the county’s fire chief.

perkins.jpgEscambia County Fire Chief Ken Perkins (pictured left) was giving his monthly report to commissioners on the consolidation process when District 5 Commissioner Kevin White asked about a rumor.

“We have indentified and are going to be reducing some of our excessive resources, mainly in our rolling stock and fleet,” Perkins said. “Reducing our staff vehicles by approximately 30 percent. Also taking some of our older apparatus out of service and pulling some of the others back into a reserve status which will hopefully save us on maintenance cost.”

“Is there any truth to the rumor that it’s going to be two (staff vehicles) per station?” District 5 Commissioner Kevin White asked.

“Two per station.” Perkins responded.

“In every station?” White asked.

“Every station,” Perkins replied.

“I’ll talk to y’all later. I’ve got to go. I’m going to get ticked here in a minute,” White said. “Completely different from what we talked about that day in my office because some stations it wasn’t a one size fit all plan.”

“Correct,” Perkins said.

“But you are going to do it across the board?” White asked.

“That is the starting point. Two at this point. And that could be cut even more as we move along,” Perkins said.

perkinswhite.jpg“I’m done,” White (pictured left) said. “I don’t think I could go any farther without losing my cool.”

Other changes moving toward the consolidation identified by Perkins included centralizing vehicle and apparatus maintenance programs, processes for disciplinary action and termination of volunteer firefighters, standardized communications methods, personnel evaluations, standardized record keeping through firehouse software, a new way of doing annual department budgets and standardized mutual aid agreements.

Volunteers will also processed through the county’s human resources department, including background checks, driving records checks and  physicals.

“At this point I feel very, very confident we may end up bringing a total package to you earlier than September if we continue at this pace, Perkins said.


14 Responses to “Commissioner Almost Loses His Cool With County Fire Chief At Meeting”

  1. Kenneth Bryan on July 29th, 2008 8:10 pm

    We need to really and sincerly THANK the volunteer Fire Fighters of the area. They sacrifice their time and efforts, and in all kinds of weather answer calls for you and me.
    No we don’t need a hired professional telling these people how to do their job, nor do we need them to be subjected to the county personnel department.
    The situation wasn’t broken, DON’T be fixing it.

  2. glen harris on July 21st, 2008 3:45 pm

    one thing i will tell anyone that will listen or have any common sense, one of the commissioners running for whites seat will do an excellent job. he has been a business man in escambia county for i know 25 years, lived it district #5 even longer, has done more for district #5 community, thanall of them combined. fought in vietnam and iraq, and still serving in the national guard. if that is not commitment nothing never will be.

  3. Bill on July 21st, 2008 12:44 pm

    Snoopy, there is nothing degrading about working at Code Enforcement, be proud you have a job. Possibly my comments are off base. You sound really young or maybe female. Nothing wrong with females they just tend to see more danger than males. We train for these dangers. My guess is your not real popular with firefighters, BUT every one of them {paid and volunteer) I know would still risk it all for you. I pray you nor anybody else will ever need us, but if you do we will be there.

  4. Chuck Sansom on July 21st, 2008 11:36 am

    And for those of you who don’t like to see the fire vehicles at the local stores , free gas and a modest stipend are all these dedicated individuals get. You get good fire protection (my opinion) for 75 bucks. City of pensacola residents pay on average 300.00 in taxes every year for fire protection , I think the present system of paid daytime FFs aided by volunteers is a good system. I would love to see these guys better trained and a physical fitness program implemented, this job is very physically demanding and when you get out of shape you open yourself up to injuries.

  5. Chuck on July 21st, 2008 10:04 am

    This might sound odd to some of you coming from a paid prof. firefighter, but I have always been under the opinion that the volunteer firemen in this county are sorely under-appreciated. You want to talk about jumping in some-one’s shoes….jump into theirs. You will get up at two in the morning and drive to the station or the emergency ,burning your four dollar a gallon gas,and then work like a dog for a couple of hours. If you’re lucky you get home and maybe get an hour or two of sleep before you go to your bread and butter job! The next time you see those guys out doing something, stop and thank them for what they do.

  6. jessy on July 21st, 2008 7:25 am

    I can’t believe some of the things I have just read. Everyone has lost there minds. Yes I agree that we as a county need to save money were we can. But not as a cost to us and our safety. Have any of you ever been in the volunteer fire department. Do any of you know what theses vehicles are used for. They are there to help speed up the response to calls, they are for training volunteers to protect us and our families in a emergency. Volunteers don’t get paid for there time. These are true Americans that are willing to risk there life’s to protect us and are families while putting there self in danger. I think that these men and women should have the best equipment and transportation. We should look at cutting somewhere else.

  7. Philip on July 21st, 2008 1:11 am

    Snoopy, you bring up a good point, “until you have walked a mile in a man’s shoes, don’t condemn him for what he is doing”. I can appreciate that comment and I am pretty sure Mr. White does as well. However, I do not understand how you can make that comment and then turn right around and “condemn” a volunteer for trying to help someone.

    As for Kevin White, I do not understand how you can say he has matured when obviously he has not. One would think that a mature adult in his position would be able to control his emotions/attitude. So, tell me why would anyone in district 5 be proud to have Kevin White as their Commissioner?

    By the way, if you look back in the photo gallery at you will see that fire departments also respond to wrecks as well, and not just fires.

  8. Jack Moran on July 20th, 2008 6:26 pm

    I must have missed something all together . . . Can someone tell me if the dispute is about the Chief cutting more staff vehicles than White wanted, or is the Chief not cutting enough?

    I understand White is saying one number of vehicles (2) doesn’t fit every station, and I think the Chief said he could and likely would cut more vehicles. I think I understand that the Chief said that they were moving toward “standardizing” many functions including background checks, budgeting, etc. I think those are good things.

    Where’s the beef? What is the problem? Someone please help an old man out here.

  9. Diane on July 20th, 2008 12:55 pm

    Chief Perkins is doing a fine job as county fire chief ! Mr. White needs to step back and look at all the facts and stop running on his “BUDDY SYSTEM” ! All taxpayers on the “NORTH END” of the county should be asking Mr. White why we do not have 24/7career firefighters stationed in the northend of the county to suppliment the volunteers as they do in the southend of the county. We pay the same for fire protection as they do, but we are recieveing less service. There are career fire company’s stationed in Century and Molino during the day, Monday thru Friday. I guess we need less protection at night and on the weekends. It is obvious that if there are firefighters on duty at the time of an emergency it is a faster response time. Volunteer and career firefighters should be held to the same standard, they are doing the same job. We have a county fire chief, let him run the department. Mr. White should be supportive of the Fire Chief for trying to save the taxpayer some money, but instead he is being pumped by a few friends or should i say good ole boys. I supported Mr. White the last time he ran, but I will not support him again, he has lost all of my family’s votes due to lack of confidence in his decision making. It seems he is not looking out for the best interest of the taxpayers as a whole. His comments about the staff vehicles at the stations, and him getting all ticked off about it, he should support the efforts of the Chief and save “US” The Taxpayer some money. He should be more concerned with qualified people to respond to emergencies. He should sit back and take a closer look at who actualy responds to emergency calls in the Century area at night and on the weekends. I think Mr. White would be very suprized. The only reason Volunteer firefighters don’t want to be held to the same standard is because a lot of them are not physically able to perform the necessary duties as a firefighter. There are volunteer firefighters who are on partial and permanant disability, but they are allowed to volunteer. This is the real reason Mr. White is being pumped to stall the efforts of The County Fire Chief, so the good ole boys can keep there toys at the expence of me and you. Do you want qualified or satisfied personel responding to you or your loved one in a time of need? I prefer qualified.

  10. snoopy on July 20th, 2008 10:46 am

    John, first before you tell someone what they should do “White need to get some college education then he can open his mouth.” Maybe you should go back to grade school and learn how to spell and write.
    Secondly, until you have walked a mile in a man’s shoes, don’t condemn him for what he is doing.

    Can you back up your claim”charges are pending”‘ or are you just running your mouth?

    Kevin White, once he saw what was really going on, has turned out to be a good Commissioner and one anyone in district 5 should be proud of. I have watched him mature and standing his ground is a good thing.

    I personally think there are too many volunteers driving vehicles and that Fire Department equipment should be left parked at the department until needed to go to a fire. GeeWillie’s, Carnley’s,etc are not places these vehicles need to be. Nor is running up and down the roads. One Chief, one vehicle. No asst chief, not second vechile.

    My opinion, anybody who volunteers to go into a burning house, ain’t right anyway. Maybe they couldn’t get a job at Code Enforcement.

    If you think White is bad, you ain’t seen nothing until one of the new hopefuls get elected.

  11. John on July 19th, 2008 9:14 am

    Everything is public record. And yes everyone except volunteers have back ground check. And one other thing, this is against the law what Kevin White is doing by over stepping his boundries and making this a personal vendeta against Perkins. He has to follow his chain of command, oh yea he does not know what that is, he doesnt even want the volunteers to fall under one. Amazing. Just goes to show a true redneck that should have never be in a public office. White need to get some college education then he can open his mouth. The reason, as a citizen of this county, for getting rid of some of the fat, the cars have a big cost impact and White just wants the county to spend more money when the county is in a crisis as is. I bet White is a hot head and a personn could probably get him going and just watch him make a fool of himself, just like he is now at these meetings. I just wonder how many sunshine law violations there have been. I know of 2 private meetings with, well, cant call them chiefs, some volunteers and that is just a start. Charges are pending.

  12. James on July 19th, 2008 6:38 am

    I think it is funny that our “fine” commissioner can’t even bring up an argument as to why more vehicles are needed. It seems as if most governments are finding ways to cut budgets to save us taxpayers some money, but Commissioner White is wanting to just spend more money. It looks like to me that he is just trying to play the “tough guy” role because he has been so soft during his term and it is an election year. Get a grip and get over yourself. Everyone knows he has ridden the coat tails of Commissioner Whitehead and now it looks like that might not be the best place to be so he is trying to be his own man. Good grief!! I think he should be more concerned with the dirty politics and not someone who has apparently led the fire department through this incredible transition with so much success they may be done early. That is sure a change for government. After all he is just trying to trim the budget.

    Jonothan: I am sure Chief Perkin’s background check is public record. After what I have heard I would be more curious about Chief Whitfield’s background and how he was allowed to be hired.

  13. Jonathon on July 18th, 2008 3:10 pm

    I am just curious did the Human resource office do a background check on Mr Perkins, and if so why dont all of us taxpayers call and demand a copy of it. Should be public record right.

  14. Jack Moran on July 18th, 2008 10:12 am

    I was not at the meeting this article addresses, and thus cannot take a position on this issue as to being for or against; however I will say that the greatness of America is built on debating the issues, openly. I am encouraged that people are being called to task over what they are doing, and as Commissioner White finds his legs and his courage to step-out and speak-up after 4 years in office, he may develop into a responsible elected official. I encourage accountability and openness in government – especially where the safety of the public is concerned. We must have strong leadership – someone has to ask the tough questions, but the public needs to hear and respond to the answers; both sides.

    Jack Moran