Century Dedicates Wall Of Honor On The Fourth

July 5, 2008


Marion Brown stood quietly to the side as he Town of Century dedicated its new Veteran’s Wall of Honor Friday.

In her hands she held a picture frame with memories from her husband’s five tours in Vietnam. There is a purple heart and other medals from Willie H. Brown’s service in the 101st Airborne divison of the U.S. Army.

Willie Brown passed away last September from pancreatic cancer. Now the picture frame of memories honors his service to the country. But his name will soon be added to the new Century Veteran’s Wall of Honor.

centurywallofhonor50.jpg“I wish he could be here today to see the wall,” Marion (pictured left) told NorthEscambia.com. “He had went to the mayor a few years ago and asked about some memorial to honor veterans. He would be so proud that it has finally happened.”

“He did not really like to talk about going to Vietnam,” she said. “But he served his country well. He was a courageous hero, just like all of the others.”

About thirty of those others that served from the Century area are now honored on the Century Veteran’s Wall of Honor that was unveiled in the Fourth of July ceremony at Century’s Roadside Park on Highway 29.

Several dozen families joined local dignataries in dedicating the wall, some waving American flags and wiping away tears as the crowd sang “God Bless America”.

Click here for a complete photo gallery from the event, including photos that show each name on the wall.

Pictured top: The Rev. Willie Carter (right) prays a prayer of blessing over the new Century Veteran’s Wall of Honor Friday morning as an audience member holds a flag. Pictured above: Marion Brown holds a picture frame with items honoring her husband’s service in Vietnam. Pictured below: A young girls runs her finger along one of the names on the Veteran’s Wall of Honor. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.



3 Responses to “Century Dedicates Wall Of Honor On The Fourth”

  1. mickey powell on December 4th, 2008 7:12 am

    I’m from Flomaton and a Vietnam Vet and Century is a leader.

  2. 1SG Billy Gates on July 5th, 2008 6:37 pm

    It was an honor for me and Justin to help dedicate “The Wall”. All who contributedand worked are thanked for your patriotism and tribute to US service men and women. Maybe Atmore will follow soon.

    Billy Gates

  3. Sherry Bloodsworth on July 5th, 2008 11:38 am

    I am extemely proud of this tribute and honor to our Nations fallen hero’s and this is wonderful accomplishment for the town of Century,Florida! Thank you

    The Bloodsworth’s