Century High Blackcat Class of 1948 Holds 60th Class Reunion

July 7, 2008


The Century High School Class of 1948 held their 60th reunion recently at the McDavid United Methodist Church.

Some of the class members present were Wilford Reid, Lillian Green, Elizabeth Armstrong, Doris C. Cooper, Lillie S. Entrekin, Jacqueline B. Freisinger, Christine S. Crockett, Earlene K. Hayles, James. E Kennedy, Frances H. Lee, Henry Ray, Jr., and W. Fred Petty.

Submitted photo by Junia Fischer.


4 Responses to “Century High Blackcat Class of 1948 Holds 60th Class Reunion”

  1. Greg Stanley on August 4th, 2008 6:23 pm

    If you know of a class reunion for 1964, please notify me. It is for my brother, who was Student Body President 1963-1964, Century High School, Century, Fl. He has never heard of a class reunion, but I am attending my third, this fall.

    Thanks for any help you can give me,
    Lynn Pack

  2. William on July 7th, 2008 6:25 pm

    Sorry the class members not identified left to right, but the person that sent the picture did not provide the names in order. Also…there are no candid pictures provided. The posted photo is all we were sent.

  3. Jacqueline Freisinger on July 7th, 2008 6:12 pm

    Donald Tompkins is on the end of the front row!
    We regret that some of the candids were not shown as well as the
    two that were not originally identified. Our class was and is an
    exceptional class of classy people who are great citizens, mostly
    still living in this wonderful area of Escambia County, Florida.
    Our reunion was a great success with much laughter.
    Jacqueline Freisinger

  4. Willene Bryan on July 7th, 2008 10:41 am

    Also Pansy Bryan is a class mate, 5th one on the back roll.