Carver/Century Improves From an F to a B School

July 8, 2008

It’s official…Carver/Century K-8 School’s Florida School Score has improved dramatically, from an “F” to a “B” as NorthEscambia first reported Monday afternoon.

The Florida Department of Educations’ School Accountability Scores were not officially released until Tuesday morning. But Principal Jeff Garthwaite said he received a call Monday afternoon from the department.

“I am proud to say Carver-Century has gone from an ‘F’ to a ‘B’,” he said. “This school has been doing something right, and now we have proved it.”

“I’ve called key people on the staff, and I have called you,” Garthwaite told Monday afternoon. “The reaction has been from ‘you’ve got to be kidding’ to out and out screams.”

“What we have been saying all along is that this school offers among the highest educational opportunities in the Escambia school system,” he said. “It was just a matter of putting the right practices into place, and we have just proved it.”

“I’m excited, and I am just tickled to death,” Century Mayor Freddie McCall said. “That shows that we have an administrator there now and teachers that can do the job. They busted their rumps to get that score up.”

Escambia School Superintendent Jim Paul has been expected to recommend closure of the school to save an estimated $680,000 per year and because of the school’s “F” rating. He was to have made that official recommendation on June 26, but the meeting was advertised as a workshop rather than an official meeting.

Paul had announced that we would not seek to close the school for the 2008-2009 school year, but a district spokesman indicated a few weeks ago that Paul would seek closure of the school for the 2009-2010 school year.

“The implications that this adds to closing the school, well, it just adds some excitement to that,” Garthwaite said.

During the course of the year, the school held an FCAT cash grab to motivate students, burned a symbolic wood “F” in a bonfire, held community meetings and even held a prayer service to turn the school’s future over to God.

For a complete story on all the area school scores released Tuesday morning, click here.

You can add your comments to this story at the bottom of this page.

Pictured above: During the past school year, Carver/Century even held a prayer service for the school where they turned the school’s future over to God. The school’s state grade has now soared from an “F” to a “B”. Pictured below: Principal Jeff Garthwaite with a symbolic “F” that the school faculty burned back in February. Pictured bottom: One of the sticky notes on the wood “F”. file photos, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Carver/Century Improves From an F to a B School”

  1. amy drennon on July 10th, 2008 10:02 pm

    we did good we showed them that we could do it and we did it by the grace of God and us working hard

  2. Elizabeth Duncan on July 10th, 2008 6:58 pm

    This is truly good news. Congradulations to all the staff, the students, and the parents. I hope everyone will see that God makes the difference in everything. Finally having, not only “a” library, but one that looked quite nice the day I saw it, probably helped in this joint effort. So, I say to all who made the library happen, and, to those who staff it, “great job.” Perhaps some children there will develop an entrepreneurial spirit and help develop Century into a great “work” place. I think having Truett Cathy come and encourage the students might be a really good idea. God has blessed us. I pray all of us turn around and bless God. :)

  3. nanny on July 9th, 2008 7:50 am

    congratulations to all the students and teachers. it takes a lot of love and labor for this school to come together and make the grade. I would like to say thanks to Mr. Garthwaite he put a lot of effort and time in our student, then the teachers .
    I really think that the letter that went out to our students/Parents about being a
    F school and students could choose another school. I think that a new letter should be sent out and say that we were wrong and that the a.y.p. s should be resended all students that live in that district should attend carver/century. where great things are happening and now we can say where great things happened

  4. Toni on July 8th, 2008 4:10 pm

    Congrats to Mr. Gartwaite the wonderful staff and the GREAT STUDENTS!!!!! We are so proud of you all. But most of all we give GOD the praise.

  5. Mary Ann Spence on July 8th, 2008 10:39 am

    Congratulations, I am so proud of the teachers and students at CC.
    The work that has been accomplished is incredible. I teach at Ernest Ward.

  6. Beegee on July 8th, 2008 10:17 am

    What a wonderful blessing!!! See what happens when you leave things in the hands
    of a living GOD!!! And for all you skeptics out there……no! the war is not over….but CC has won this battle for now!!!!! Thank you LORD

  7. KIM on July 7th, 2008 10:35 pm

    Congrats to Mr. Garthwaite and his staff !!!!!! And let us not forget our wonderful Carver – Century students !!!! I would love to have seen Mr. Paul’s face when he recieved the GREAT news . We have all said it before but now we say it louder than ever ” WE ARE NOT AN F SCHOOL” !!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Myra L. Simmons on July 7th, 2008 9:30 pm

    Congratulations to Carver-Century and Kudos to the Principal and Teachers who believed in the students and kept them focused on attaining their goals.
    The School District must recognize each and every student, teacher, and administrator for setting high standards and expectations. Carver-Century walked right through each and every obstacle with determination and zeal.
    Poverty interferes with many objectives and creates obstacles for children to overcome. A poverty mindset is difficult to overcome; however, a hand-up is all most students and parents want or need in situations such as these.
    I believe in Carver-Century K-8 and stand with them every step of the way. I am most excited and especially grateful for the camaraderie extended to me by the citizens and Town of Century.