Bratt Elementary Ranked As The Number One School In Escambia County

July 9, 2008

Bratt Elementary school was the highest scoring school in Escambia County in the Florida Department of Education School Grades released Tuesday.

Schools must achieve 525 points with the state to achieve “A” status. Bratt’s score was 637 — essentially and A+ on the school grade scale — beating out each and every other school in the county.

In fact, no other school in the county broke the 600 mark. West Florida High School was the next highest scoring school in the county at 589 points.

The scores are based on student achievements on the FCAT tests and Sunshine State Standards. The standards and grades are meant to show how well a particular school is performing to education department standards.


8 Responses to “Bratt Elementary Ranked As The Number One School In Escambia County”

  1. Gay Hassebrock on July 18th, 2008 11:16 pm

    Go Bratt Bulldogs!! I had the privilege of teaching 25 of my 36 years at Bratt.
    It is a wonderful school with dedicated teachers and great leadership. I retired in 2005, yet I still teach the PATS students one day a week. It helps me keep in touch.
    Thanks, Sara, for the compliment! You and your classmates gave me some of my fondest memories ( puppy poop included). Remember, I had the pleasure of teaching your class twice— once in 2nd grade and then again in 5th. Congratulations on your successes!

  2. Melanie on July 15th, 2008 11:01 pm

    I am so excited that my child is apart of the number one school in Escambia county! Just goes to show that you can’t count out the north end. Way to go “Bratt Bulldogs”. Thank you for loving and caring for my child the way I do! It really shows!

  3. Cheryl on July 15th, 2008 3:07 pm

    It really is one big community. I live in Bratt but I drive on Atmore roads to get to the grocery store there. I also use their library and my children have spent many, many hours in Atmore’s city pool. You can find problems in any situation but we should always look for the good. Life is much happier if you do.

    The good in this story was that Bratt did so well on the FCAT and we should be very happy and proud for them. I know I am.

  4. Rick on July 15th, 2008 12:52 pm

    Atmore, AL is the closest city to Bratt, Florida, so that makes them neighbors. Alabama is another state, not another country. Both Florida and Alabama are part of the United States of America.

    I’ve lived in Atmore and Northwest Florida and I have never paid (4) times the taxes. Let’s don’t exaggerate facts but instead focus on the great news about Bratt Elementary.

  5. Sara on July 13th, 2008 8:32 am

    Congratulations! What a great school to start lifelong learning! I started my educational career at Bratt in 1984. I completed my educational career this month with a Masters in Operational Management from University of Arkansas (4.0 GPA:-)!

    Thanks Ms. Hasselbrock – you are still my favorite teacher.
    That girl that came to fifth grade class with puppy poop in her book bag (thank goodness that only happened once)

    PS – Don’t be so hard on Atmore folks. I wouldn’t have met my lifelong best friend if Atmore kids were turned away, and she is a good egg!

  6. angela on July 12th, 2008 11:28 am

    And I also know quite a few who didn’t go through the proper channels. We have state laws and county lines for a reason. We aren’t simply talking about kids from another county in Florida coming to our schools. We are talking about kids from another STATE. And yes, we are paying four times the taxes that people in Atmore pay. Yet, they are taking advantage of our school system. If they want better schools where they live, then they need to go there and change things!

  7. Ashley on July 10th, 2008 9:13 pm

    GO BRATT BULLDOGS!!! Our children and our teachers have worked their tails off for this and it shows!! Concerning the Atmore kids, I know for a fact that quite a few went through the proper channels to get their children into Bratt Elem.. I cannot fault any parent for wanted the best education possible for their children and they can get that at Bratt. I really don’t see where the harm is, since we have obtained the highest score during which there were children from Atmore and surrounding areas. All children are innocent until their enviroment shapes them. I would much rather our future leaders be shaped by a school like Bratt, then an “F” rated school. Again, Congrats to Bratt, Mrs. Polmaroy, and all of the teachers and staff for such an outstanding job.

  8. angela brown on July 10th, 2008 12:46 pm

    Now if we could just get all of the illegal Atmore kids out of there, then we could really be proud of our scores. Stop making it okay for those Atmore parents to lie (using someone’s address) and cheat Florida residents out of their tax money. Why should we pay for THEIR kids to go to school here. Go back to ATMORE!