Work Underway For New $300 Million ECUA Wastewater Facility

June 5, 2008


Work is underway to clear land for the Escambia County’s new sewage treatment plant off Chemstrand Road near Solutia.

The plant, more officially known as the Central Water Reclamation Facility, is scheduled to be complete in just two years at a cost of about $300 million. $134 million will come from the Federal Emergency Management agency, $19.5 million from the Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency and the rest from ECUA customers’ monthly bills.

The project will replace the aging Main Street Street sewage treatment plant in downtown Pensacola. That plant flooded during Hurricane Ivan, sending raw sewage throughout downtown.

The project will include the construction of about 25 miles of pipeline and the pumping of wastewater to the new facility near Cantonment. The treated water will be used by Gulf Power Company’s generating plant a few miles away and by International Paper in Cantonment.

The plant will be located at the highest point on the 2,300 acre parcel owned by ECUA.

“With the plant located at the highest point, ECUA can use gravity flow of effluent from the plant, at a savings of about $500,000 a year in energy costs,” Larry Walker, ECUA District 5 board member said.

Pictured above: ECUA District 5 board member Larry Walker (left) talks with Scott Jernigan, an employee of Baskerville-Donovan, Inc., the primary engineering firm in the plant construction, and Bob Adams, the subcontractor who is doing the land-clearing work at the site of the new Central Water Reclamation Facility. Pictured below: The plant will be located up this hill near the small stand of trees. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.



Bergosh Pens Handwritten Letter To Student On Carver/Century Closing

June 5, 2008


Escambia County School Board Member Jeff Bergosh received a handwritten letter from a Carver/Century K-8 School student opposed to closing the school, and he responded with a handwritten letter of his own.

In the letter to Bergosh, who has repeatedly advocated closing Carver/Century to save about $680,000 this year, the student expressed their concerns about an 18 mile trip from Century to Ernest Ward Middle School or 25 miles to Ransom Middle School.

“That would be a really long bus ride. Plus if I were hurt or got sick at school my mom would not be able to pick me up and take me home. I like to participate in sports and other after school activities. If I go to another school, I probably would not get to do those things,” the student wrote.

“These concerns are valid and they are real. But, I can assure you that if the decision is made to close Carver/Century, the district will bend over backwards to help you and your classmates adjust to the change. I guarantee you that,” Bergosh wrote in his response.

In his letter, Bergosh did not deny that he was the driving force on the school board for closing the school.

“I will not attempt to assign blame to others as I have been the one member of the board who has continued to advocate the closure of underutilized facilities to save money. Unfortunately this includes Carver/Century,” he wrote.

But he said he believes the closure and consolidation of the school would be a positive move for the students.

“In my heart I believe that the closure of Carver/Century, if this occurs, will lead to a positive outcome for the students who currently attend your school,” Bergosh wrote.

Below is the complete text of the student’s letter, followed by the complete text of Bergosh’s handwritten response.

Mr. Bergosh,

I am a 7th grade student at Carver/Century K-8 School. I’ve read articles in the newspapers or on the television that my school may be closing. I am proud to be a Carver/Century blackcat. I want to know where I will be going to middle school if this school is closed. Ernest Ward Middle School is 18 miles from here. I would have to wake up earlier than I do now to get to school on the bus. My mom would not be able to drive me there if I were late getting ready. Another school might be Ransom Middle School. It is about 25 miles from Century. That would be a really long bus ride. Plus if I were hurt or got sick at school my mom would not be able to pick me up and take me home. I like to participate in sports and other after school activities. If I go to another school, I probably would not get to do those things. Thanks for taking time to read my letter.

A Student at Carver/Century.

June 3, 2008

Student at Carver/Century,

Thank you for taking the time to write. I understand your concerns regarding the potential closure of your school. I do not take lightly any decisions that affect students, and I understand that if Carver/Century school is closed, this will be difficult for you and your classmates. I will not attempt to assign blame to others as I have been the one member of the board who has continued to advocate the closure of underutilized facilities to save money. Unfortunately this includes Carver/Century.

If the decision to close Carver/Century is made, the district will save roughly $600,000.00. This is a large amount of money, and will help us out of our current financial crisis. At the heart of the reasoning for the closure and consolidation of schools is the necessity operate more efficiently to save money while at the same time allowing every student the opportunity to attend a safe and effective public school. In my heart I believe that the closure of Carver/Century, if this occurs, will lead to a positive outcome for the students who currently attend your school. The plan for the middle school students would be to have them attend Ernest Ward Middle School. Ernest Ward is a fantastic school with excellent students and faculty. Ernest Ward Middle is also ranked as an “A” School by the state and has been an “A” school for a number of years.

Your classmates at the elementary level would most likely attend Molino Park Elementary or Bratt Elementary. Both of which are “A” rated schools by the state.

As far as your concerns about participation in extracurricular activities, I understand that this will be a challenge. I also understand your other concern about an earlier bus departure and also the fear that if you are sick at school this will make it difficult on your parents. These concerns are valid and they are real. But, I can assure you that if the decision is made to close Carver/Century, the district will bend over backwards to help you and your classmates adjust to the change. I guarantee you that.

Most importantly, I want to make sure that I re-iterate to you that no decisions have been finalized on closing Carver/Century. I cannot tell you with 100% certainty what will happen. I can only say that decisons on this budget have been very difficult, and I appreciate your input. I will take your concerns into account as I wrestle with the idea of closing this school.

Regardless of what happens, I feel confident that you will continue your education, you will do well in school, and you will end up being a valuable member of your community. You will also learn a lot about yourself and your classmates if the decision to close your school is made. The important point to note is that you have distinguished yourself by taking the time to write me a hand written letter and express your concerns. Thanks for being a part of this process!


Jeff Bergosh
Escambia County School Board, Dist. 1

Abused Horse Miracle Man Has Recovered, Now Up For Adoption

June 5, 2008

Miracle Man, the colt that was rescued from the brink of death hanging from a sling back in January, has recovered and is now up for adoption.

The colt’s owner suspended Miracle Man from the rafters of her barn with a sling in an attempt to get him off an injured leg. He was rescued by Panhandle Equine Rescue in Molino.

He is totally rehabilitated,” said PER President Diane Lowery. ” He is eight months old and will tie, load, clip, bathe and stand for the farrier. He is very quiet and easy to handle.”

The colt, which is half Arabian and half Quarter Horse, has a $300 adoption fee. For more information, visit PER’s web site by clicking here.

Iris Rose Fortner, 51, of De Soto Road, Cantonment, was charged with felony animal cruelty in connection with the case. She plead not guilty in March according to court records and is scheduled for trial in July.

To read’s earlier coverage of Miracle man, click here.

Byrneville Coach Scores $10,000 For School’s P.E. Program From Governor

June 4, 2008


Byrneville Elementary School has scored an extra ten grand for its P.E. department compliments of the governor.

James “Coach Mac” McDaniel, Byrneville’s physical education teacher, received a $10,000 check from Governor Charlie Crist as part of the Governor’s Fitness Challenge. The money will be used to purchase new P.E. equipment for the charter school.

Coach Mac had 100 percent participation in this year’s fitness challenge at Byrneville, and he was one of just four P.E. teachers in the state to receive the $10,000 award from the governor’s office. A total of about 300 schools, including three in Escambia County, participated in the Governor’s Fitness Challenge.

“We are ecstatic at that thought of getting more equipment to motivate these students to achieve their best physically,” Coach Mac said. “We love them and always want to do what is best for them.”

Byrneville Principal Mrs. Dee Wolfe-Sullivan is a huge supporter of physical fitness. Since becoming principal at Byrneville, she has made P.E. a daily activity for students. She also encourages wellness in students and staff, including offering Jazzercise for school staff. She has even done Jazzercise routines with the students.

Coach Mac, who also is a huge supporter of staying fit and well, encourages students to commit to exercising and tries to motivate them daily.

He received the check from Gov. Crist at the signing ceremony for Senate Bill 610 expanding physical education at the elementary and middle school levels at all Florida schools.

Proposed by Senator Lee Constantine and co-sponsored by Representative Chris Dorworth, Senate Bill 610 requires middle schools to offer students in grades six through eight one class period per day of physical education for one semester, beginning in the 2009-10 school year. Additionally, the bill expands current requirements to include physical education for students in grade six who are enrolled in a school with one or more elementary grades (K-5). These elementary students must participate in at least 30 consecutive minutes of physical activity per day.

“This legislation demonstrates Florida’s commitment to fostering healthy lifestyles in every young Floridian at an early age,” Gov. Crist said. “By emphasizing the importance of physical fitness, we can teach these students how to make smart choices about exercise that will improve their health throughout their lives.”

The Governor’s Fitness Challenge was an eight-week program that provided guidance and incentives to schools in helping boost physical fitness for children.

Pictured above: Byrneville Elementary School’s James “Coach Mac” McDaniel receiving $10,000 check from Florida Governor Charlie Crist. Pictured below: Byrneville Principal Dee Wolfe-Sullivan and James “Coach Mac” McDaniel with a $10,000 check for P.E. equipment from the governor.


What Is That Grass?

June 4, 2008


From the Escambia County Extension Office

During this time of year, Extension offices throughout Florida get many calls and visits by people wondering what that bright grass is with the pretty seedhead. This non-native and highly invasive plant is COGONGRASS, also called Jap Grass, was introduced to this country back around 1911 as seed in packing material.

From its humble start, it has spread throughout the Southeast and is now considered a noxious weed in both Florida and Alabama. Cogongrass is a species adapted to fire; it thrives where fire is a regular occurrence, will burn hot and can kill seedling and mature trees.

Cogongrass spreads by both wind-blown seeds and underground creeping rhizomes. The rhizomes can form a dense mat in the upper six to eight inches (to a maximum depth of 12 to 24 inches) of soil and may comprise as much as 80 percent of the total plant mass. It is the rhizome system that makes this plant particularly hard to control. Elimination of above ground portions of the plant can be easily accomplished, but if the rhizomes are not killed or removed, rapid re-sprouting and regrowth will occur.

How can you identify cogongrass?

congongrass2.jpgRight now, an easy identification tool is the fluffly white seedheads like the photo to the left (click to enlarge). The plant can flower at other times of the year, especially if the stand has been burnt, mowed, or otherwise disturbed. Each seedhead can contain 3000 seeds that are easily dispersed by the wind.

The leaves are rarely a dark green color. More often, the leaves are more yellow-green. The leaves can turn reddish in the fall. Another identifying characteristic is the offset midrib on the leaf blade (see photo at bottom of page). The midrib is usually a bit off-centered on the leaf. The margin of the leaf is rough feeling due to serrations. This plant is unpalatable to animals because of the rough leaves, low nutrients, and high silica content in the leaves.

How can you control cogongrass?

Mechanical Control

There is no foolproof method to controlling this weed. In young infestations, tillage can sometimes keep cogongrass from an area if continued during the course of a growing season. The initial tillage should begin in the spring (March through May) with an implement that inverts the soil to a depth of at least six inches. Perform additional tillage with a disk harrow or other appropriate implement every six to eight weeks. It is important to clean all equipment on site to prevent the spread by rhizomes.

Dry periods during the summer will aid in the control of cogongrass. The area can be planted to a fall cover crop and then followed the next season with perennial or annual grass or broadleaf crops. Mowing may help reduce cogongrass stands, but areas must be mowed frequently and at a low height. Monitor the site throughout the growing season; spot treat any recurring infestations with appropriate herbicides.

Chemical Control

There are only two chemicals that have some efficacy on this weed: Glyphosate and Imazapyr. Even with high rates and tank mixing, these chemicals RARELY will totally eliminate all the cogongrass in the treated area. Repeat applications are often necessary. Yes, I wrote applications with an “S”. It can often take more than one, two, or three shots to get this weed down.

If you are using glyphosate, the best time to first start treatment is during the Fall. A word of caution: imazapyr has soil residual activity. Many species that you will try to plant in the treated area will be injured if planting within 24 months of treating. It will also cause more problems to trees than glyphosate. ALWAYS read the label before applying either of the herbicides and follow the recommended rates. The label is the LAW.

If you need more information about cogongrass, please contact your local Extension office or refer to the two websites listed below. If you have cogongrass problems in your woods, contact your county forester for recommendations on treatment.

This article was based on information from the University of Florida EDIS publication: and University of Georgia:

For more information:
Libbie Johnson, Escambia County Extension 850.475.5230
Adam Parden, Escambia County Forester 850.587.5123

Article from Libbie Johnson, Escambia County Extension for
Photos by Clyde Smith, Jackson County Extension


Century Talks About Town’s Future

June 4, 2008

Economic development and saving Carver/Century K-8 School were the primary objectives discussed at an open meeting in Century.

The meeting, with consultant Peggy Fowler of Land Design Innovations of Ft. Walton Beach, was the second in a series of public forums to gain input prior to drafting Century’s new comprehensive plan.

“We talked a lot about problems in our previous meeting,” Fowler told the town council and the two citizens present at the begining of the meeting, “but tonight we want to talk about what you like about Century.”

“It’s home. We have a lot of people moving back home from the north,” council member Sharon Scott said. “But some people move to Pensacola because of the housing in Century.”

“We have a great attraction in Stone Lake Campground,” Mayor Freddie McCall said.

“We have plenty of churches,” Scott said. “A church on every corner,” council member Nadine McCaw said.

“Our water,” McCaw said “My girls come home and they take our water back home with them. They love our water.”

As for the types of businesses or services that those attending would like to see in Century, many mentioned expanded health services. Doctors and dentists were mentioned, along with a veterinarian for animals.

“Many of our business people that are local in town are from just outside the town,” McCaw said, adding that many choose to live in Byrneville, McDavid and other surrounding communities.

Others at the meeting mentioned the need, or desire, for a motel, more good restaurants , more retail stores, bowling or a skating rink for the children, a movie theater, another grocery store for competition and other businesses.

“It’s just sad that you don’t have a lot of these things here,” Fowler said. “These things are just basic.”

“But in order for us to have economic development, we’ve got to have a place for people to live,” council member Gary Riley said. “And the school is a big issue.”

“The need for economic development would probably include the school and housing,” Fowler said. She noted that the Escambia County School Board was invited to send a representative to an earlier meeting with various agencies, but no one from the school district attended.

“For economic development, you need a building to put business in,” local businessman Georges Van Nevel said. “And it does not exist.”

“In the industrial park, there is lots of space available,” he said. “I feel kind of lonely…you need to market the industrial park actively.”

“Other towns entice businesses,” McCaw said of economic incentives offered in surrounding towns to new businesses. “They are going to get that enticement from some other town. Century is the ‘gateway to Florida’, but it’s the gateway to Pensacola’s big boom down there.”

“When 113 opens, we are going to be the hub,” McCall said, referring to the four lane widening project currently underway on Alabama Highway 113 from Flomaton to I-65.

Nursing Home Throws Birthday Party

June 4, 2008


Century Care Center recently held a birthday party for all their residents recently.

Residents enjoyed a birthday party complete with cake, gifts and songs from the Gospel Lighthouse Academy. Several residents and volunteers were also recognized for their contributions at Century Care Center.

The “Sew ‘N So” club (pictured below) was honored for its contributions to the residents. They hand make activity pillows for the the residents to encourage tactile stimulation. They also make bags for the wheelchairs and walkers.

Click here for more photos. photos, click to enlarge.


Bratt Elementary To Offer Voluntary Pre-K Program This Summer

June 4, 2008

Bratt Elementary School will be among the schools in the county offering a voluntary Pre-K program this summer.

Parents whose children will be entering kindergarten in August 2008 and who have not yet attended voluntary prekindergarten during this school year have the option to have their child participate in the Summer Voluntary Prekindergarten Program. The program will run from from June 9 through August 4.

The host schools for the program will be Bratt Elementary, Beulah Elementary, Hallmark Elementary, Holm Elementary, Lipscomb Elementary, Pleasant Grove Elementary, and West Pensacola Elementary.

For more information on this program parents should contact Mary Anderson at 595-6915 ext. 227 or Linda Green at 595-6915 ext. 232.

NWE Grizzlies Fall To Hammer Heads

June 3, 2008


The NWE Hammer Heads defeated the NWE Grizzly team 4-3 in minor league play last night. Hammer Heads pitcher Kyle Hinson and Zach Payne combined for 13 strikeouts. Zach Holland and Chris Brown of the Grizzles combined for nine strikeouts.

Click here for more photos.

Ramona Preston photos for Click to enlarge.


Century Council Member And Businessman Accuse Each Other Of Being Crooked, Corrupt

June 3, 2008


Century businessman Georges Van Nevel and council member Henry Hawkins got into a verbal argument Monday night, calling each other “crooked” and “corrupt”.

At the council meeting two weeks ago, Hawkins reported that Van Nevel had listed his building in the Century Industrial Park for sale, and that “he’s trying to sell the property out from under our noses”. He also said that Van Nevel was still behind on his payments to Century.

“I want to hear a retraction on that,” Van Nevel said Monday night as he claimed he held a “clear title” on the building.

“I don’t know if you do or not,” Hawkins said, “but you are behind on your payments.”

Van Nevel said he had actually been trying to sell the building since 2003, not just a few months. A Pensacola MLS real estate listing for the building was placed by the real estate agent on February 5. He said he intends to sell the building, pay off his mortgage with the town and build another building for his Helicopter Technologies on one of four other lots he owns in the industrial park.

‘What I have done since 2003 is work to bring people to Century,” he said. “It’s been advertised for months.”

“It was news to the council,” Hawkins said. “How are we going to get first option (to buy the building) when we don’t know it’s all over the internet?”

“It sounds crooked to me,” Hawkins added.

“You are trying to damage my business,” Van Nevel said to Hawkins. “You are trying to boot me out of town.” Van Nevel accused Hawkins of going to the fire department in an attempt to get the fire marshal to fine or close the business. Hawkins denied the allegation.

“The thing that was most damaging was…when you said the asking price was too high,” Van Nevel said of a Hawkins interview with a television station.

“I think you are adding to what I said,” Hawkins said. “Do you want me to get the tape?”

“I said it looked crooked, and it is crooked,” Hawkins said, escalating the argument between the two men.

“You are corrupt. I will prove it. You have an ulterior motive to boot me,” Van Nevel said. “There will be an investigation.”

“Bring it on,” Hawkins said.

Speakers addressing the Century Council are allowed three minutes. The council voted after Van Nevel’s first three minutes to allow him three additional minutes. His time ran out after the argument with Hawkins, and he we was not allowed to continue.

“He doesn’t have a deal until somebody offers to buy it (the building),” Mayor Freddie McCall said. At that point, the mayor said the town would have the first option to purchase the building.

Later in the council meeting, after Van Nevel had left the building, the council discussed his claim about a “clear title” on the building.

“I think I have a very clear understanding on that,” Council President Ann Brooks said. She said he may hold a deed to the property, but he does not hold a “clear title” because he has not paid off his mortgage to the town.

In fact, he had fallen behind on the mortgage payments. A new agreement was made between Helicopter Technologies and the Town of Century. Under that agreement, Van Nevel was to make double payments in order to bring the mortgage current.

“He was making the two payments, but then the FAA came in, broke out his windows and took all of his paperwork,” McCall said of a federal raid on Helicopter Technologies in early January. “He could not make the double payments then, but we have a new agreement.” Van Nevel, according to Town Clerk Dorothy Sims, is current on his payments to the town under that new agreement.

Pictured above: Georges Van Nevel addresses the Century Town Council Monday night. photo.

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