Outspoken Carver/Century Supporter Brown/Curry Resigns From Escambia School Board, Effective November

June 7, 2008

browncurryfrot.jpgEscambia County School Board member Claudia Brown-Curry has handed in her resignation from the Escambia County School Board.

Brown-Curry’s resignation is effective November 18. She will continue to be a candidate for the school district’s superintendent job.

She has been an outspoken supporter of keeping Carver/Century K-8 School open.

“Closing and consolidation is not always a good idea,” Brown-Curry told NorthEscambia.com in an exclusive interview concerning the closure of Carver/Century. “It can be a detriment to the students and to the community. It’s more than just saving a few dollars.”

Candidates will qualify for Brown-Curry’s District 3 seat June 16 to June 20 for the August 26 primary for the position that will hold office until November 2010.

The superintendent, District 3, District 4 and District 5 school board positions will all be on the August ballot.

NorthEscambia.com photo.


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