NWE Grizzlies Spend Afternoon With The Pensacola Pelicans

June 9, 2008


The NWE Grizzlies from Walnut Hill enjoyed Sunday afternoon at UWF with the Pensacola Pelicans at for the Grizzlies’ “end of the season” party.

After coming off of a winning season, the Grizzlies decided to kick back with the Pelicans and take in some professional baseball.

The Pelicans fell short of the victory against the Grand Prairie AirHogs from Texas. But the Grizzlies enjoyed the Pelicans in action. Fun was had by all and the Grizzlies along with other teams from NWE will be moving on to All-Stars in the weeks to come.

Congratulations are in order for the Grizzlies on a season well played, and thanks to all who came out and helped organize the fun filled event.

For a photo gallery from the event, click here.

Photos and story submitted by April Maholovich for NorthEscambia.com



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