Molino Park Does Poorly On Science FCAT, Reading OK

June 11, 2008

fcatelem10.gifMolino Park Elementary School did poorly on the Science FCAT, but scores were moderate on the Reading FCAT, according to numbers released Tuesday by the Florida Department of Education.

At Molino Park Elementary, 79 percent of the fourth graders taking the Reading FCAT scored a 3.0 or above, a level that is considered to be on grade level by the state. That is compared to 74 percent of Molino Park fourth graders last year.

Of the Molino Park fifth graders taking the Reading FCAT, 64 percent scored at grade level this year, compared to 78 percent last year.

And on the Science FCAT, just 35 percent of the fifth grade students at Molino Park Elementary scored a 3.0 or above. That was down from 48 percent last year.

Of the 86 fourth graders taking the Reading FCAT at Molino Park, 12 percent scored a 5.0 or greater, 37 percent scored a 4.0, 30 percent scored a 3.0, 12 percent scored a 2.0 and nine percent scored a 1.0.

Of the 74 fifth graders taking the Reading FCAT at Molino Park, five percent scored a 5.0 or greater, 27 percent scored a 4.0, 31 percent scored a 3.0, 18 percent scored a 2.0 and 19 percent scored a 1.0.

Of the 74 fifth graders taking the Science FCAT at Molino Park four percent scored a 5.0 or greater, seven percent scored a 4.0, 24 percent scored a 3.0, 39 percent scored a 2.0 and 26 percent scored a 1.0.


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