Miller Offers His Version Of Energy Debate Facts

June 22, 2008

Submitted by Congressman Jeff Miller

This week I’d like to debunk some of the myths brought up in the energy debate across the nation and leave you with the facts.

Fact #1- The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) administers the 700 million acres of federally owned sub-surface mineral estate, only 6 percent of which has been leased for oil & gas exploration and development.

Fact #2- Only 3 percent of the United States ’ 1.76 billion acre outer continental shelf (OCS) is leased for oil and gas exploration and development.

Fact #3- Of the more than 7 billion barrels of oil pumped offshore in the past 25 years, 0.001 percent – that is one-thousandth of 1 percent – has been spilled.

Fact #4- The mean estimate of technically recoverable oil in ANWR is 10.4 billion barrels – all of which is now economically recoverable. That’s more than twice the proven oil reserves in all of Texas . That’s almost half of the total U.S. proven reserve of 21 billion barrels. That represents a possible 50 percent increase in total U.S. proven reserves.

Fact #5- Drilling of oil and natural gas exploratory wells increased by 98 percent from 2000 to 2007. Yet, crude oil production decreased 12.4 percent.

Fact #6- One million barrels of oil produce 27 million gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel.

Fact #7- United States expanded its dependence on foreign members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) by a full seven percent in 2007 alone.

Fact #8- Total American Energy Resources Off-Limits: (Leasing Prohibited) Natural Gas: 175.28 Trillion Cubic Feet Oil: 1.127 Trillion Barrels. Federal Revenue Generated if Congress Unlocked Off-limits Energy Resources: $60 TRILLION

Fact #9- Wind-generated electricity increased by 45 percent between 2005 and 2006 and by 21 percent between 2006 and 2007, more than any other renewable source of generation in both years.

Fact #10- The Democrats are blocking domestic energy exploration legislation from being voted upon in the House.


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