Memorial Board: Students, Teachers, Community Remember Mrs. Smith

June 2, 2008

Molino Park Elementary School teacher Sharon Smith died Friday, the last day of school, moments after waving goodbye to her students. It was also her retirement day.

Many readers have emailed us comments about Mrs. Smith and the influence she has in her 36 years at Molino and Molino Park elementary schools.

If you like to add your comments to this page, email or use our contact form. To read our story from Friday afternoon about Mrs. Smith, click here.

Here is a sample of the comments we have received so far:

  • One moment I feel so happy for Sharon continuing her retirement party in heaven with Dent and Reggie, and then here comes another wave of sadness about loosing such a great friend. I’ll just say thank you God for her fine example and witness, and please send Molino Park Elementary more teachers just like her. And I know that Sharon would send a special congratulations and thank you to Mrs. Barrow who shared that last walk with her. – Charles Woodward
  • Mrs. Smith was my fourth grade teachers 3 years ago at Molino Park. I loved her very much. She was kind and helped us all do the best we could. After I left her class we would always email each other every week and I would send her stories that I had written and she loved to read them. When I left Molino Park and moved to middle school at Ernest Ward last year, I would have my mom stop by Molino Park every now and then so that I could say hi to Mrs. Smith and all my other teachers I had had in the past. I got to see her for one last time on Thursday, May 29 during her class party. I am sad that she is gone and will miss her very much. – Courtney S.
  • I grow up with Sharon, (shag) was her nickname, in a small town called Red Bay, Florida. She was the sweetest person, she had a warm spirit, and a eautiful smile. Shag, we will always miss you. –Carolyn B.
  • Mrs. Smith was my teacher many years ago and also taught my daughter, Angel, in 4th grade. She was a Godly person and wasn’t afraid to share that with others. She engouraged Angel and saw potential in all her students. As her motto goes: Always do your best, she was the BEST. She will be dearly missed and ALWAYS remembered. We love you. – Lynn and Angel Lathan
  • hi my name is shelby. mrs.robinson was my teacher but mrs. smith was my teacher half of the day and i loved her so! mrs. smith signed everyone’s year book that day and she signed mine and i’m keeping it forever cuz she was a very loving teacher!! i will allways love her! and no one can ever take her place in my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! – Shelby M.
  • I had the pleasure of working with and being able to call Sharon Smith a dear friend for eight years. In 2000 my job at Barrineau Park Elem. became a shared position with Molino Elem. and Sharon was the one that made me feel like part of the “family at Molino”. I was fortunate enough to move to Molino Park when it opened. Sharon’s love for children and teaching was evident in all she did. I will truly miss my friend and prayer partner. – Belinda Perry
  • Mrs. Smith taught our two oldest sons when she was at the old Molino school. Our daughter didn’t have her but came to know and love her when Mrs. Smith’s and Mrs. Secord’s classes were next door to each other. She was a blessing to anyone that came into her path. Now it is a Blessing knowing that she is with Jesus. – Melanie Dix
  • Mrs. Smith we Love You and will miss you dearly. All our love. – The Ging Family
  • On behalf of the family of Sharon Smith, we thank you and feel blessed that we got to share this awesome teacher and woman with the world. She finished her work here and due to her faithfulness in spreading the love of God to others inspite of her pain and heartache, He rewarded her by reuniting her with her husband and child. We will miss her greatly but she is happy and at peace! Thank you, Molino Family for loving her, too. – Doreatha Jackson, Deborah Long, Miranda Bethune, Eutasia Brooks
  • Mrs. Smith was one of those teachers that you carry in your heart for your entire life. She taught our son Adam 11 years ago and now daughter Kaitlyn this year. She will be missed by all that she touched directly and indirectly. Our hearts go out to her family. – The Kleinatlands
  • I went to school at Molino Park. Mrs.Smith was loving and and a heart of gold. I used to visit her a lot when I went there. I will miss her dearly just along with everybody else. One thing I always remember is that something that happens like this is in God`s plan. It is just a stepping stone in life. I will try to go to the wake. – Cheyenne Godwin
  • Mrs. Smith was my fourth gade teacher last year. She encouraged me and the other students very much. I was very sad when I heard of her going, but I know she is in Heaven with her husband and son. :) !!!!!! – Benjamin Linam
  • Mrs. Smith was my teacher. She was a loving and hard working teacher. She always said “Do your best and make no excuses”. We all are heart broken! – Allison Woodfin
  • My son had Mrs. Smith when he was in the fourth grade, she was a wonderful loving person that truly cared for her students, and will be greatly missed by all. My son has many wonderful memories with Mrs. Smith and will cherish them more now then ever. She challenged him to do his best and to try what he thought to be impossible. He took her passing hard but knows that she is in Heaven with her son and husband where she is happy and healthy. I know there was a special place in Heaven just for Sharon Smith. She was Loved by all that knew her and will be missed by all of us, especially her children.
  • If I could tell Mrs. Smith one more thing I would tell her THANK YOU for tutoring me and my brother Aden, and her warm and cozy hugs every day. I will always love and remember you. Love, Alliana Davis
  • Nearing retirement in education myself, I can only imagine how it must feel saying goodbye for the last time. Over the years teachers adopt students and they become our own. Sharon Smith was obviously a dedicated teacher and a wonderful person. Her legacy of love is an example for us all. –Carol Hensel Moore


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