Injured Or Abused Dog Found In Molino Continues To Recover From Wounds

June 1, 2008


An injured dog found wandering around last Sunday night in Molino is improving, and county officials will decide this week if she will be put up for adoption.

“We got a call for stray up on Fairgrounds Road on Sunday night around 10:00 and that is when we picked her up,” Escambia County spokeswoman Sonya Daniel told She said the dog was missing a large amount of skin from her back. She said it was not known if the injuries were intentional or accidental.

Escambia County Animal Control immediately took the dog to an emergency clinic where she was treated. A decision was made, Daniel said, to transfer the dog to the Escambia County Animal Shelter. That decision was made Monday based upon the dog’s good temperament and improving medical condition.

The dog, a pit bull mix, remains at the county’s animal shelter in Pensacola where she continues to receive antibiotics and wound care.

“At this point, nobody has come forward to claim her,” Daniel said. “We have had have several groups come forward and offer to foster her.”
The county will determine this week if the dog will be turned over to a group for foster care or adoption.

If you have information about the dog, contact the Escambia County Animal Shelter at 595-3075 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, or 595-3080 after hours.

Submitted photo.


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