Escambia Looks At Vehicle And Transportation Cost Saving Measures

June 13, 2008

The Escambia County Commission Committee of the Whole took a look at the county’s vehicle inventory and ways to possible save money on transportation costs at their Thursday meeting

With thousands of dollars in increased fuel costs per month, the commission discussed ways to decrease fuel usage.

“There are things like electric cars, hybrids,” County Administrator Bob McLaughlin said, “Use of biodiesel or other types of biofuels. We are going to take a look at the infrastructure and the use of liquefied natural gas. So the technology is there; it’s a matter just of taking a look at how we are going to do that and how we can be more efficient and reduce our fuel consumption.”

Commissioner Mike Whitehead suggested looking at some the county’s low mileage vehicles as a way to save money. He said it makes little sense to pay the insurance on a vehicle that is only driven a few hundred miles per year. Mileage that low, he said, is a likely indicator that the vehicle is not really needed by a department.

“The ones that are not being utilized,” Whitehead asked. “why do we have them at all?”

Each county department will be required to submit justification for each vehicle in that department to the commission.


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