Traffic Count Underway Around Hwy 4, Jefferson After Fatal Wreck

May 22, 2008


The Florida Department of Transportation is conducting a traffic count survey around the site of a traffic crash that claimed three lives in Century April 11.

The DOT is conducting the count around the intersection of Jefferson Avenue and Highway 4 as part of study to determine if a flashing caution light is needed at the intersection.

Brush has been cleared away from the intersection and “Caution Stop Ahead” signs have been ordered, according to Century Mayor Freddie McCall.

Pictured above: A truck passes over traffic counting system installed on Highway 4 in Century between Highway 29 and Jefferson Avenue.


One Response to “Traffic Count Underway Around Hwy 4, Jefferson After Fatal Wreck”

  1. Sherri on August 4th, 2008 1:09 pm

    I would like to know how the Family’s are now that the light is been put up ? And did they ever find out what really happen on this night I have looked at this once b4 and I was just over sick to hear that the life of not one but 3 are gone ! How is the one that is or was in the Hosp I hope to hear that he is stell with us