3rd Grade FCAT Scores Are Good News For North Escambia Schools

May 22, 2008

fcatscreen.jpgThe third grade reading and math FCAT scores were released yesterday by the state, and they are good news for North Escambia schools, including Carver/Century K-8.

All four of the elementary schools in North Escambia posted gains in the percent of third grade students scoring a 3 or more on the math FCAT. A score of 3 is considered to be grade level. Carver/Century over doubled their percentage score over last year, while Bratt, Byrneville and Molino Park posted moderate percentage gains. Carver/Century’s percentage gain on the math FCAT was the second highest in the county.

On the third grade reading FCAT, Carver/Century’s percentage with a passing score soared, over doubling last year’s percentage. Their gains were percentage wise the highest in the county. Bratt and Byrneville experienced slight declines in their scores, while Molino Park held steady on the percent of students scoring a three or more.

On the math FCAT, 93 percent of Byrneville third grade students scored a three or higher. At Bratt, 86 percent scored a three plus. At Molino Park, that number was 84 percent, and at Carver/Century was 58 percent. That 58 percent at Carver/Century represents a huge increase over their 24 percent score last year, and it was the highest percentage increase in Escambia County. The state average was 76 percent.

On the third grade reading FCAT, both Bratt and Bryneville elementary schools had a slight decrease in their percentage passing to 83 percent. At Molino Park, 76 percent of third graders scored a 3 or higher, and at Carver/Century, that number was 63 percent. In Escambia County, five elementary schools scored better, by just a few percentage points, than Bratt and Bryneville. The state average was 72 percent.


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