Northview High Holds 13th Annual FFA Banquet

May 10, 2008


It was an emotional night Friday at the 13th Annual Northview High School FFA Banquet.

For the FFA teacher sponsor and the FFA president, the night was a perhaps a little more emotional and special.

ffabanq17.jpg“She’s been going to these (FFA) banquets for 18 years,” Northview FFA sponsor Perry Byars said of this year’s FFA President Andrea Byars (pictured left), his daughter. Andrea, a graduating senior, spent four years in Northview’s FFA under her father’s leadership.

The annual banquet includes a somber ceremony for graduating seniors…they slowly remove their signature blue FFA jackets and hang them up for the last time on a coat rack.

One at a time, the three graduating FFA seniors participated in the ceremony. Secretary Travis Vickery, Vice President Jacob Shiver and finally President Andrea Byers removed their jackets one by one, placing them on the coat rack. After hanging up her FFA jacket the last time, Andrea walked over and hugged her father.

Perry Byars then stood aside as Andrea took the podium.

“Mr. Byars, or as I call him ‘daddy’,” she said fighting back tears, “I want to thank you for the best four years of my life.” Sniffles and quiet sobs could be heard throughout the Northview theater.

She then presented Perry Byars and the “FFA Mom” Kay Byars with tokens of the FFA Club’s appreciation. Kay Byars is Andrea’s mom.

The night also included many awards for Northview and Ernest Ward Middle school FFA members and supporters.

Among those honored during the night were community members Libbie Johnson, Jamie Hall and James Riggs for their support of the FFA program. The three were named honorary members of the NHS FFA. Abbie Rolph and Jack Livingston were also honored as adult supporters of the FFA.

The coveted NHS FFA High Points Award went to Andrea Byars. The Blue and Gold Awards went to Sandie Sanders and Jennifer Lowe.

The new NHS FFA officers named for the 2008-2009 school year were: Micah Byars, president; Allie Vidak, vice president; Desere Bookout, second vice president; Aimee Clark, secretary; Jennifer Lowe, treasurer; Wes Chancery, parliamentarian; Lydia Weaver, reporter; Brittany Thompson, historian; Stephanie Solari, sentinel and Candice Greenwell, chaplain.

Dozens of the over 120 students in Northview’s FFA received various awards during the night.

The night also included honors and awards for Ernest Ward Middle School’s 87 FFA members presented by chapter sponsor Cynthia Wilson. Lydia Weaver and Bessie Hollingsworth were presented with EWMS FFA Leadership Awards.

For a photo gallery from the Northview FFA Banquet, click here.

Pictured above: FFA President Andrea Byars and her father, FFA sponsor Perry Byars, share a tearful hug. Picture below: Just one of the many awards presented during the 13th Annual Northview High School FFA Banquet Friday night. photos, click to enlarge.



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