Northview Class of 2008 Holds Sunday Baccalaureate Service

May 18, 2008

bac17.jpg The end is near for the Class of 2008 at Northview High School, with Baccalaureate Services today and graduation just a week away.

Baccalaureate Services for Northview High School were held Sunday morning at the school.

The seniors will have final exams this week, but those are not the major tests in life that they will face, Pastor Gary Wieborg from the First Baptist Church of Bratt told the class.

bac60.jpg“Before them lies another test, the test of life, and what it means to have success” Wieborg (pictured left) said. “I don’t know of anything greater to achieve than eternal life.”

“High school is not greatest years of your life,” he said. “The best is yet to come.”

Wieborg told the soon to be graduates that their plans for life for insignificant compared to the plans God has for their lives.

“God’s plans for us are much bigger than your plans for yourself,” the pastor said. “The Lord has big things planned for you.”

For more photos from Northview’s Class of 2008 Baccalaureate Service, click here.

Northview High School’s Class of 2008 will graduate at 4:00 p.m. next Saturday, May 24.

Pictured above: The Northview High School Class of 2008 prays at Sunday morning’s Baccalaureate Service.


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