Ernest Ward FFA Students Attend Auburn “BEEF U” Program

May 21, 2008


Three FFA members from Ernest Ward Middle School joined about 140 other youth from Alabama and Florida at first Beef Excellence Education for You (B.E.E.F. U) program recently.

EWMS students Seth Picheo, Devin Bell, Justin Hall participated in the program that taught kids ages eight to 18 lessons on beef cattle. Auburn University’s Animal Sciences department hosted B.E.E.F. U on campus.

At the Stanley Wilson Beef Teaching Unit and Auburn Bull Test Station, participants rotated through multiple sessions regarding live animals and carcasses. Live cattle terminology was covered as a briefing tool before partipants evaluated live cattle. The cattle were used to demonstrate beef conformation, feeder calf basics, and fed cattle evaluation.

In the Lambert-Powell Meats Laboratory, participants evaluated beef carcasses. The carcasses helped participants learn about and practice determining USDA yield grades and quality grades. A unique workshop taught participants how to make kielbasa, a beef and pork sausage. Participants learned which ingredients to use when making the sausage, how to prepare the meat and ingredients, and then had the opportunity to put the sausage meat into a casing.

Dr. Wayne Greene, Auburn Animal Sciences department head, said, “The B.E.E.F. U program was a success. These students had a preview of things they will learn if they become students in the Department of Animal Sciences at Auburn University.” He said B.E.E.F. U was a great training program for those that will become the leaders in the beef cattle industry.

The program was sponsored by the Alabama Cattleman’s Association 50 cent State Beef Check-Off program, Extension, and the Auburn College of Agriculture Animal Sciences department.


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