Century Care Center Wraps Up Week-Long Open House

May 21, 2008


The Century Care Center held a week-long open house last week.

Some of the week’s events included a pizza party, ice cream, an arts and crafts program, a field day, a special performance by Canticle (pictured above) and a clown (pictured below).

The non-profit Canticle performed with two harps, an oboe, and lady “with the voice of an angel,” Century Care Activities Director Mae Hildreth said.

“It was so beautiful it actually moved me to tears,” Hildreth said. “The residents were so impressed, they asked for autographs.”

The clown is named “Lady Butterfly” and is the daughter of a former Century Care Center resident. She entertained with balloon animals, face painting and just plain silliness.

Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.



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