Blog: Readers Can Rent Movies For Free

May 19, 2008

One of the pleasures of living in North Escambia is our isolation from the hustle and bustle of the city. But when it comes time to rent a movie, it means a drive to the video store in a nearby place. With gas at $3.80 plus per gallon, it at least can double the cost of the movie to drive to the video store to get the movie then drive back to return it on time.

But we found a way you can rent the movies you want to see for FREE for a couple of weeks. The link is near the bottom of this story.

We have experimented with the two major online rent by mail companies…Blockbuster and Netflix. Both services have pretty much any movie you can think of, even obscure movies that your friends have never heard about. When we tried both services, we found that movies arrived in our mailbox usually in just one day.

We did find Netflix to be a little faster, and they had the new releases we wanted to see at our door the day of the release! The mailman was good to us on Tuesdays!

So how does this online rental thing work? It’s easy. You sign up for a free trial to make sure it is going to work for you, whether it be Blockbuster or Netflix. Then you pay a monthly fee, currently from $4.99 to $16.99 per month for Netflix, for UNLIMITED video rentals, up to a certain number at a time in your hands. You mail them back for free (no stamps or postage needed). Then within a day or two, new movies show up in your mailbox. There are never any late fees, and you can cancel anytime. No contracts, no strings, no small print.

Why are we telling you this…for a few good reasons. One…gas is expensive for trips to the video store. Two…we got tired of the nearest rental store to us being out of their two copies of the movie we wanted to see for weeks. Three…we tried both services and found that they both worked well. Four…if you will try the Netflix FREE two week trial, will make a little commission. has arranged for our readers to try Netflix, with unlimited three at a time rentals, for FREE for two weeks. If you watch your movies and send them right back, you could probably watch 15 or more movies for free during the two weeks.

So here’s the bottom line deal…you can try Netflix for FREE for two weeks, and you’ll be supporting what we do here at at the same time. You can cancel at the end of the two weeks and pay nothing and be under no obligation. We think, however, that you’ll probably want to stick around longer than two weeks. (Just to be clear…we don’t make anymore money if you do keep using Netflix, but we think you’ll like it!)

It’s our little gift to you…you get to try renting Netflix movies for FREE for two weeks, and you help at the same time.

To try Netflix for free for two months, click on the Netflix ad on the front page of; the ad is in the right column above the weather. Or you can click the below:

Netflix – Only $4.99 a month! No Late Fees. Try it for Free! only receives the commission if you click the ad on the front page or the link above.

Thanks for reading my blog. I’ve been scolded by plenty of you…I’ll start writing a blog more often. Promise. Thanks again for reading each and every day!



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