So What Were Those Military Jets Flying Over Sunday Afternoon?

April 20, 2008

Several military jets were spotted and heard over a portion of North Escambia early Sunday evening. From Bratt to Walnut Hill to Barrineau Park, received emails about the planes.

Emails reported, and we witnessed, at least four low flying military jets. Some emails reported that the aircraft were “putting on an airshow” with circling and maneuvers…a very unusual occurrence in this area.

One email reported that the aircraft appeared to be U.S. Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt “Warthogs”. The aircraft we witnessed over our office did resemble the photographs we found of the Warthogs. A stock photo of four Warthogs is at bottom of the page.

Sunday evening, we spoke to the commanding duty officer at Eglin Air Force Base who was unable to provide any information about the planes. He referred all questions to the base’s public affairs office which was closed. A call to Pensacola Naval Air Station yielded the same results.

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Editors note, in case you are wondering why we don’t have pictures of the planes over our office: Jets move fast. It’s hard to get inside a building, grab a camera, get the right lens and snap a picture of something that (assuming they were warthogs) moves at an average speed of 345 mph. The picture below is stock photo from the Air Force.



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